Feel Lucky
Thanks for the advice. I will price it at 450 on Monday and see what happens......
How big is your winch? My winch is a large pto two speed and
actually three when you add gas

tree. With a large winch and not too much lean I put my cable
at fifteen foot notch and pull til the top shakes a little then kill
truck in gear. Most trees this is all the pull I need. I leave the
wedges for the woods. I have not ever had a tree set back
with my winch pulling it. The lower tie in with the cable pulls
longer during the cut and by the time slack is starting in the
cable it is usually past the point of no return and if not I
merely start the truck and bring it over! I don't ever have
to tighten ropes worry about them breaking pound wedges
etc. I am cutting it up while the other guys are pounding,
pulling etc>