Any thoughts on this felling job

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Thanks for the advice. I will price it at 450 on Monday and see what happens......

How big is your winch? My winch is a large pto two speed and
actually three when you add gas :laugh: I can uproot a 25"
tree. With a large winch and not too much lean I put my cable
at fifteen foot notch and pull til the top shakes a little then kill
truck in gear. Most trees this is all the pull I need. I leave the
wedges for the woods. I have not ever had a tree set back
with my winch pulling it. The lower tie in with the cable pulls
longer during the cut and by the time slack is starting in the
cable it is usually past the point of no return and if not I
merely start the truck and bring it over! I don't ever have
to tighten ropes worry about them breaking pound wedges
etc. I am cutting it up while the other guys are pounding,
pulling etc>:laugh:
Winch size

It has 1/2 inch cable on it. It is hydraulically driven and it is on the front of a digger derrick truck. It has two "gears" and the throttle i suppose.... However I was using 2 1/2 in ropes hooked to separate leaders so I didn't feel comfortable pulling to hard...hence the wedges. I guess i don't know how big it is. Seems big to me. The hydraulic motor that drives it has 1 inch lines running to it and it's probably 8 inches in diameter. I am thinking of taking it off and putting it on my 97 Retired Asplundh truck but i don't know about the flow.
Under the recipients name there is a little white piece of coliflower, a tree maybe, click on it, say approve of disapprove, write some BS if you want, and send it.

I may be mistaken, but I think that is meant to be a balance scale. Not unlike what you see carried by Miss Liberty in the "Justice is blind" symbol.
How big is your winch? My winch is a large pto two speed and
actually three when you add gas :laugh: I can uproot a 25"
tree. With a large winch and not too much lean I put my cable
at fifteen foot notch and pull til the top shakes a little then kill
truck in gear. Most trees this is all the pull I need. I leave the
wedges for the woods. I have not ever had a tree set back
with my winch pulling it. The lower tie in with the cable pulls
longer during the cut and by the time slack is starting in the
cable it is usually past the point of no return and if not I
merely start the truck and bring it over! I don't ever have
to tighten ropes worry about them breaking pound wedges
etc. I am cutting it up while the other guys are pounding,
pulling etc>:laugh:

Hey Rope! This is proof that great minds think alike.

That is just about how I cut down "pull trees" with my wrecker. I usually hook the steel cable to a bull rope, and then attach to the tree with that. Then I stretch the rope until I am certain that it has enough pull to set the tree in the right direction. When you cut the tree down, you get quite a bit longer a pull using a stretched rope than you do with a steel cable. I suppose there is a greater risk of going the wrong way if you do not stretch your rope tight enough, but it is easy to check for that before you cut the tree down.
It has 1/2 inch cable on it. It is hydraulically driven and it is on the front of a digger derrick truck. It has two "gears" and the throttle i suppose.... However I was using 2 1/2 in ropes hooked to separate leaders so I didn't feel comfortable pulling to hard...hence the wedges. I guess i don't know how big it is. Seems big to me. The hydraulic motor that drives it has 1 inch lines running to it and it's probably 8 inches in diameter. I am thinking of taking it off and putting it on my 97 Retired Asplundh truck but i don't know about the flow.

Should be enough winch for sure I like pto though even if the hydraulic
is more expensive and smoother the pto is strong and it either comes
or you break sumpin! I prefer the cable as I can break a rope before I
know I am pulling it much! A winch is one of the best tools to have on
you jobsite.
Should be enough winch for sure I like pto though even if the hydraulic
is more expensive and smoother the pto is strong and it either comes
or you break sumpin! I prefer the cable as I can break a rope before I
know I am pulling it much! A winch is one of the best tools to have on
you jobsite.

I burn through warn 8 thousand pounder every few years. Just a typical truck winch. For big trees that might give me a problem I back it up with another rig system.
Under the recipients name there is a little white piece of coliflower, a tree maybe, click on it, say approve of disapprove, write some BS if you want, and send it.

I may be mistaken, but I think that is meant to be a balance scale. Not unlike what you see carried by Miss Liberty in the "Justice is blind" symbol.

ya beat me to it pdq
I burn through warn 8 thousand pounder every few years. Just a typical truck winch. For big trees that might give me a problem I back it up with another rig system.

Yeah I have backed up a few times but 40000 I really don't need to
my lower point of attach makes most feel uncomfortable and it would
me too if I did not know the result. If I pull on it from 15 to 20' and
move it a foot it is like moving it ten foot at a high tie in! I would not
recommend this on small winches or server lean but in most cases it
is the right spot for my winch because of follow up pull! I also don't have
worry about the winch failing because it is geared and won't free spool
in the event of drive shaft breaking etc. so the only weak spot to focus
is cable and attachment bolts and my cable is 5/8 and very strong. I
have a feel for it so know when to stop but it will skid my 23000 lb
actual weight bucket across a yard with the air brakes set and I
have never seen a tree needing any pull in that league.
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Nice job!! Although you didn't let us see your stump so we could grade it for you. lol
I have not followed this thread for a few days. Got caught back up. Must say that I am glad some of you agree with my one lead tie in. I read the posts about tying around multiple leads, and it just never sat well with me. Just doesn't make sense. Too many chances for slack at the wrong time. Also noticed that tree had the chance of still being a problem as it hit the ground. Could have rolled worse than it did. You just never know.
Once again well done.