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Oh boy
I had one of these dreaded cat in tree calls last year:msp_mad: It was brought on vacation by some city slicker
The cat was up the tree three days. They called every local tree company in the region. I was asked to do it on behalf of the local store owner for PR purposes. I have not been on spurs in a long time ,well over 6 years. Went to my shop to see if my gear was still useable, it was dusty and a wee bit stiff
I figured ok this is a big tree, it is easier to climb. The cat was up a 12" DBH Pondo Pine tree aka a flag pole. Had to limb my self up to the cat. The cat I had a 2 hour stand off 40' feet in the air:msp_thumbdn: Well I finally had enough and decide to bag the furball and belay it down. The cat scratched me in some really sensitive areas and urinated all over me, it smelled worse then skunk spray
Then it decided to abandon the tree at that height. Worse tree climb of my life. Never will do that again next time the 7mm is the cat remover of choice. I am still nervous to climb trees. I have four furballs at home whom I love and yet one :taped: cat makes me want to cut every tree in the neighborhood down .
I had one of these dreaded cat in tree calls last year:msp_mad: It was brought on vacation by some city slicker