Any tricks to getting a cat out of a tree?

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Oh boy

I had one of these dreaded cat in tree calls last year:msp_mad: It was brought on vacation by some city slicker:laugh: The cat was up the tree three days. They called every local tree company in the region. I was asked to do it on behalf of the local store owner for PR purposes. I have not been on spurs in a long time ,well over 6 years. Went to my shop to see if my gear was still useable, it was dusty and a wee bit stiff:laugh: I figured ok this is a big tree, it is easier to climb. The cat was up a 12" DBH Pondo Pine tree aka a flag pole. Had to limb my self up to the cat. The cat I had a 2 hour stand off 40' feet in the air:msp_thumbdn: Well I finally had enough and decide to bag the furball and belay it down. The cat scratched me in some really sensitive areas and urinated all over me, it smelled worse then skunk spray:angry: Then it decided to abandon the tree at that height. Worse tree climb of my life. Never will do that again next time the 7mm is the cat remover of choice. I am still nervous to climb trees. I have four furballs at home whom I love and yet one :taped: cat makes me want to cut every tree in the neighborhood down .
I dont swerve for small animals, insurance dont pay if you hit somthing trying to avoid something like that. Plastered a cat recently too, i cant help it thought playing possum was gonna work.
I had a cat once that climbed way up in a red oak tree, after 3 days he finally came down by himself. They will figure out how to climb down or die. Guess what they won't die they will figure out how to climb down.
Great, next time get yourself a wrist rocket slingshot and a bag of marbles, it'll get them out pdq, bruise them a little at the worst.
This thread is so awesome for a few reasons...#1 funny as hell..#2..amazing Avalanch didn't fall and #3 to see Av up in this tree chasing a freakin cat having just semi recovered from that tick bourne disease.

I'm bushed just doing the reading and trying to envision how much a guy goes through for 75$...too boot cryin girls...OMG
Av, you went to hell and back and then some for that cat-good job!! Sure it was a pain in the ass but you did a good deed; St. Francis is proud of you, the patron saint of animals :msp_smile: and me and the wife are proud of you as we have 10 of 'em running around inside this crazyhouse-all strays that needed a home. Sure, they at times drive me absolutely nuts, but the same guy that put me on this Earth put them here too; I ain't no better than them I guess...rep sent.

Hey, at least it got your mind off of Lyme disease! :msp_w00t:
This thread is so awesome for a few reasons...#1 funny as hell..#2..amazing Avalanch didn't fall and #3 to see Av up in this tree chasing a freakin cat having just semi recovered from that tick bourne disease.

I'm bushed just doing the reading and trying to envision how much a guy goes through for 75$...too boot cryin girls...OMG

Thanks for the kind words Keith, but trust me. The $75 had absolutely nothing to do with it. Why?Couldnt tell you. I get calls for cat rescue from time to time, in fact I think the local fire department hands out my number just to pay me back. Some time ago, I was talked into being the best man at a friends wedding (his is a paid fireman)and lets just say things just didnt go as planned during my speech. And he has decided to pay me back, a little at a time with calls like these..
I haven't gone as far as a 12 gauge lol but a paintball gun works quite well. Just scare em a little, or leave them up there, they'll get down on their own.
Great story

Excellent writing man, I love stories, writing my own and reading other's!

Want to do it easier next time, here is how, takes two days though. Use a live catch havahart trap and a can of tuna or sardines. Tie the trap in good someplace the cat can get to the entrance easy, bait it, then leave, come back the next day.
We do rescue dogs and cats here, and I usually always have to live catch the wild cats first to get them to the vets for a "tuneup". You just can't wait, and sometimes it is hard to tell gender if they are real shy and split when they see you coming. Got to get them females fixed as soon as possible..don't ask me how I know this...

Wild dogs are easier...I just get close to them and roll on my back on the ground and wait. Throw em some food, crunchies and bones, etc, takes right then they tame back up or at most just a few days. Only had one batch, a pack, that were too wild so I had to blast..hate doing that but a wild pack that willingly attacks humans is freeking scary and dangerous. Plus I don't have any real large traps.

I'll try to hand tame cats first, if they will willingly come to a food bowl, get them comfortable with my presence and stroking their back while eating, etc, if they show signs of being more civilized they will tame fast and you can just pick them up, but if wild I trap them. Kittens born in the wild and always been wild are the worst to catch. Any ferals that used to be pets are usually not that hard to get recivilized.

Oh, BTW, I love your cat grabbing bag invention! Gonna make me one.
id say your wasting your time getting cats out of trees ,you should be an author instead ,your writing skills and knack for a descriptive detail oriented story are excellent

A more creative and humane (for the climber) approach...grab the beanbags out of your cornhole set, a bigshot with a laser sight and let rip....if the soft bag doesn't work, a weaver 16 oz slickweight surely will...failing ball...
its ok to admit you like cats guys
i love cats
why are so many guys trying to prove their manliness by talking about shooting them, etc
cats are for girls, dogs are for men, right? give me a break, the whole thing gets repeated time and time again, why are men so afraid to admit they like cats ?
its painful to watch how uncomfortable some people are with their "manliness" :msp_thumbdn:
someone here say they love cats..
come on..
whos gona have the balls to break the chainsaw tough guy mold and step up and say it!?

I'm not bein manly or whatever, I actually really don't like them and I would likely try and shoot one out of a tree. I've shot coons out before why not a silly cat.