I needed some .063 gauge 3/8's for a vintage saw and thought it would be fine for the price when it will only be used for a couple cuts now and again at a GTG or such.
I was wrong, its pure garbage. I put some on a old Sears Power products powered saw and decided to try the saw out in the wood pile. Cutting Ash, I had to re-tighten the chain 3 times on the first tank of fuel. It was on a brand new sprocket and a roller nose bar so nothing worn on the saw to make the chain stretch like that.
Cutters are soft as a babys behind as well, one tank of fuel and it looked like the edge of the cutters were actually starting to round over. This was a semi chisel version of the chain and it had a odd factory grind angle as well, something like 33 1/2 deg so the first sharpening will take some time if you want to bring it to the common 35 deg angle.
I would not recommend anyone to buy this China junk.