Anybody have info on a Homelite Super xl-901

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ArboristSite Operative
Sep 7, 2005
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, Pa. (kind-of)
Hello every-one, love the site.

I purchased this saw on E-Bay (kiss of death-music in the back-ground) and when I ventured to get some gaskets and carb info, I could find none.
When it arrives I will be sure to update the thread with pictures, arrows and a complete "State of the Homie address"

This is my first attempt in my new quest to move from tools to chainsaws. Next I guess I'll be looking for a few good trees.

I have run this by people who sell parts for a livelihood and they say it does not exist. I have attempted to do research and am very aware of the xl-901...
I wonder what Homelite did to go from 16:1 fuel (XL Models) to 32:1 mixture in their Super XL series. They also picked up a couple-k RPM and gained a little weight?

That has me suspiscious about xl-901 parts add hock.
This saw does have the word SUPER right above it. You could very well be correct and I don't doubt your expertice.
I'm just having a problem with the word SUPER may-be?
If you want the IPL it is UT-24299.
Send me your E-mail i send it to you.
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This is the neatest board in the world.

Thank-you every-body.
When the saw arrives I will be certain to follow-up.
It sounds like Homelite decided to stencil Super above it?

-I started out with nothing and still have most of it left.
The saw has arrived.
Evidence I thought I could uncover it seems has been worn away...
On the chain side you can make out xl - and what I prefer to think is a 9.

On the other side is the super--- but the black residue I hoped to clean off is paint. What I wanted to read is long gone.

What mystifies me is why someone would list this as a rare Super xl-901. The chain is from a c-72.

The UT number is on the case and as I relayed previously.

The unit was advertized as a rare Super xl-901 and I see no proof, or anything other than the sticker to make a judgement from.
Looks like the seller on ebay sold 2 saws. Your super xl 925 and an xl 901. They look similar but he was mistaken. He might make a partial refund because of the listing error, if you are not satisfied.
Unfortunately, there is no mistake.
It was adertized as a rare SUPER XL-901 saw "you'll never see another" and all that jazz.

I cannot find any reason for a rational biped to make such a claim, much less a "power-seller". Were it not for this site I would be none the wiser.
If the UT is 10415b, then this is an XL-925, not a 901. The UT for a 901 is 24299 or at least this is one UT for that saw. The saw may have mixed parts from various in this series as they are very similar. There are numerous differences that you can check out to see what you have. If you take off the muffler and look at the piston rings and they are thin as a gnats you know what, then you have a 925 piston and rings. The 925 has a different ignition system than the 901. The 901 has 5/16" bar nuts where the 925 has 3/8". The intake manifild on a 901 is aluminum and on the 925 its plastic / composite. These are just a few things you may want to look at.

The clutch guard is from a different saw, XL orange with 5/8 nuts holding the chain.
The rings are sure thin, but I'm no guru. If the rings were plug gap I would guess around .040 - The J19LM Champion spark plug is only gapped at .027

I appreciate the help. Needless to say, I have never torn down a chainsaw engine - but this hasn't been too bad.

What I have seen of the piston (examined full stroke) looks great to my naked eye. Discoloration where it seems to have come to rest from sitting. Saw has great compression if you ask me. A little too good for what I was expecting...

My intention is to clean it up and use it. Tomorrow, or maybe later today I would like to remove the carb and clean it in gas. I purchased a wide variety of gaskets for 900 series and for sxl 925.

The chasis is definately SuperXL series weighing 17.25 and a hair.