Doing one to two hour shifts manual labor, then hit the shade. Completely saturated with sweat by then, soaked, like I fell in the crick or something. Have to eat then, chug more fluids, cool off. then back at it. Dogs are digging in, the border collie actually dug a cave under my polar vortex stack, ha! Cats just disappear during the day, they find the deepest shadiest spot they can and park it, except for the new kitten, he hangs in the barn near the food bowls, because he knows I will bring him high protein and fat treats through the day. He ain't dumb.
We don't do AC. Run the window fans at night, shut them off as soon as the sun hits the yard. Cabin stays cooler than outside all day then.
Tomorrow and next three days I will ride around and mow, we finally got enough rain after two months to make it actually look like grass and pasture. I've been mowing brown weeds and dust mostly.
I ain't cutting until it cools off ten degrees during the day, full cutting pants, boots and helmet and high, just no, emergencies only. In the 80s I can hack it, close to 100 apparently I can't...wuss!
I did split today though, got a few layers deep on a pallet of just assorted mixed rounds kicking around the yard, I think all oak and pine and one mystery round I fergit what it was, basically yard salvage. Funny how you accumulate so many oddball chunks.......