Anybody running the Chinese Stihl knockoffs?

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There is a 50/50 chance you will get one with issues. As far as what to replace, don't replace anything until it breaks. These saws get a lot of crap from people. Me personally I have one and love it. Not one issue.
Its a shame that there are still people who cannot afford a proper chainsaw.....
Some of us are still on a very limited budget and many of my chainsaws just sit there, not getting used much, if any...The saw I use the most around here is my 330T Echo and it's "proper".
I purchased a Chinese 372 a couple years ago just to see how it would hold up. I ran the saw a total of 30 minutes and it seized up tight. I used the same gas oil i use in everything else and after removing muffler and the jug i saw the problem. The ports were so roughly cut and the cylinder was ruined with transfer from the piston. I sent the whole saw to my buddy Duce on here for inspection. He put a used oem jug on it and a new piston and rings and had it running. Shipped it back to me and I’ve been running it but it’s not the first saw i grab when i head to the pile. Will i buy another or recommend it NO
Custer has more proper chainsaws than you have asinine comments, as hard as that is to believe. I’d back off until you know your audience
I am of course referring to those people shopping a chainsaw, and opting for the least costly, albiet a cheap chinesium knock-off. Thats a growing market based solely on people with little money, in a demand arena where brand name saws are out of their reach. Who's Custer?
If you like tinkering and are OK with knowing it is likely to fail at any time, then sure, go for it.

I don't bother. Any company/person/entity/whatever that blatantly rips off technology from a legit company can FO and die. No better than a thief in my opinion. I won't support that. I want quality companies to stay in business and keep pushing tech forward. Chinese trash companies aren't going to put hundreds of millions of dollars into R&D and coming up with the new greatest thing in chainsaws. Stihl/Husqvarna do. I want to reward that money spent by buying known quality from them.
If you like tinkering and are OK with knowing it is likely to fail at any time, then sure, go for it.

I don't bother. Any company/person/entity/whatever that blatantly rips off technology from a legit company can FO and die. No better than a thief in my opinion. I won't support that. I want quality companies to stay in business and keep pushing tech forward. Chinese trash companies aren't going to put hundreds of millions of dollars into R&D and coming up with the new greatest thing in chainsaws. Stihl/Husqvarna do. I want to reward that money spent by buying known quality from
I've seen what appear to be Chinese Stihl clones for sale online. Is anyone running them? Any good?

Somewhere along the line, I saw a thread talking about someone who was getting the Chicom Stihl knockoffs, then replacing the parts that were substandard and/or critical and then reselling them...can anyone direct me to that thread or person? Or, can anyone tell me which parts on these saws should be replaced with Stihl OEM?

Thanks in advance.
There is a YouTube channel, afleetcommand, where the guy does that. He was buying Chinese saw kits and swapping out things like chain adjusters for OEM Stihl parts. I haven't watched his stuff in a while so I'm not sure he still does it.
There is a YouTube channel, afleetcommand, where the guy does that. He was buying Chinese saw kits and swapping out things like chain adjusters for OEM Stihl parts. I haven't watched his stuff in a while so I'm not sure he still does it.
Thanks. FWIW, I ended up buying a 660 on ebay from a guy in British Columbia who I guess started with Chinese kits, then replaced the important parts -- Meteor cylinder and piston, Caber rings, Taiwanese crank, Olean clutch, OEM bearings, brake parts, chain tensioner, etc.

I haven't used the saw a ton, but so far knock wood it's been a beast.
I've seen what appear to be Chinese Stihl clones for sale online. Is anyone running them? Any good?

Somewhere along the line, I saw a thread talking about someone who was getting the Chicom Stihl knockoffs, then replacing the parts that were substandard and/or critical and then reselling them...can anyone direct me to that thread or person? Or, can anyone tell me which parts on these saws should be replaced with Stihl OEM?

Thanks in advance.
For a more accurate answer, after fooling with a dozen of them the only parts that will hold up are the bolts and the case bare albeit… mind you. Even the bolts are **** and one wrung off just a few weeks ago on a brand new meteor cylinder I had bought. And w very little torque mind those who assume things.
Oh. The tank handles have held up and the spines do well. Other than that your buying trouble w a capitalT
If you like tinkering and are OK with knowing it is likely to fail at any time, then sure, go for it.

I don't bother. Any company/person/entity/whatever that blatantly rips off technology from a legit company can FO and die. No better than a thief in my opinion. I won't support that. I want quality companies to stay in business and keep pushing tech forward. Chinese trash companies aren't going to put hundreds of millions of dollars into R&D and coming up with the new greatest thing in chainsaws. Stihl/Husqvarna do. I want to reward that money spent by buying known quality from them.
Well that sure is a prime example of someone with a fat wallet and a silver spoon stepping up at the podium to show a good, decent and proper example to all the fellows with little or no money just how they should live their life :rock:
Well that sure is a prime example of someone with a fat wallet and a silver spoon stepping up at the podium to show a good, decent and proper example to all the fellows with little or no money just how they should live their life :rock:
Well that sure is a prime example of someone with a fat wallet and a silver spoon stepping up at the podium to show a good, decent and proper example to all the fellows with little or no money just how they should live their life :rock:
Grow up. My very first sentence said, 'go for it'. How is that telling anyone how to live their lives? Exactly how? Reading comprehension much?

I don't care what you do with your money or lack of money. The second paragraph was how I handle myself. No where in there did I say 'and that is how you should handle your business as well'.
Grow up. My very first sentence said, 'go for it'. How is that telling anyone how to live their lives? Exactly how? Reading comprehension much?

I don't care what you do with your money or lack of money. The second paragraph was how I handle myself. No where in there did I say 'and that is how you should handle your business as well'.
Grow up. My very first sentence said, 'go for it'. How is that telling anyone how to live their lives? Exactly how? Reading comprehension much?

I don't care what you do with your money or lack of money. The second paragraph was how I handle myself. No where in there did I say 'and that is how you should handle your business as well'.
Well, I've actually reached that age when you start to grow smaller each day towards your death... if you are lucky - you will too.
I think you could have highlighted something you failed to mention:
"I don't bother. Any company/person/entity/whatever that blatantly rips off technology from a legit company can FO and die. No better than a thief in my opinion. I won't support that." - but I understand perfectly that all those people that does not have a fat wallet and a silver spoon; can not afford to think that way at all.
I thought the patents were expired on the clones such as the 066 Stihl. Could not anyone in the world duplicate these legally?
There certainly is a difference between 066 or 038, to 462 and 500i. I think perhaps the time window of market relevance is one.