Anybody used carb cleaner in their fuel?

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ArboristSite Operative
Nov 30, 2004
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Just curious if it is a good or bad idea to add carb cleaner in the fuel mix.

I use 93 octane with stihl oil mixed at 1:40 and recently purchased a 044 that was operated without a filter. I am thinking of running it with card cleaner additive. Not sure if it will help or not (or maybe even bad) so I decided to check with the experts first.

I would'nt mix it with my fuel. You should get the air cleaner from your dealer, put it on the saw. You will then probably have to adjust the carb, do it and see how she runs. Then if you have any problems with the carb, you might have to think about a rebuild kit for it(they are cheap) If it runs good, then just run it ;)
Actually the saw runs fine. So much so that it is kinda "intimidating". I was just thinking of doing it as additional measure, IF it will help. Guess I won't do that now.

I just purchased the filter so I do some test cut with it tonight.

I am reading the service manual and I might have to disassemble and clean the starter mechanism. It is very difficult to pull and I've lost grip quite a few times. It almost feel like going up the travels out some then I'll have this extra strong a cyclic manner.


Carb Cleaner Question:

Hello Dario. I wouldn't run carb cleaner in any chainsaw gas. What I do is run good oil, MX2T and decent gas mixed at the ratio I want to use. I do add fuel stabilizer to my gas. Called "Fuel Stabil" at the recomendations by the manufacturer. It does have some carb cleaner properties to it and seems to work well for me. Check the oil your using, I believe that some oils have some sort of fuel stabilizetion added to them. If it does I wouldn't add more. JMO. Take care. Lewis.
I searched Hi and Low for MX2T here...including motorcraft/motorcycle dealerships, PepBoys, Autozone, etc. and can't find any. I settled with Stihl oil mix instead. Prior to that I used Poulan synthetic from Walmart. I think Stihl's oil does have stabilizer in it.
DarioMO said:
I searched Hi and Low for MX2T here...including ...Autozone, etc. and can't find any.
Autozone has it, but not with the 2-stroke oil.  It's over with the automotive oil.

glens said:
Autozone has it, but not with the 2-stroke oil.  It's over with the automotive oil.



I read the tread about that earlier so I looked...even asked for assistance but they said they don't carry it.
Did you find the Mobil1 synthetic oil in the plastic quarts?  MX2T has always been right next to it on the racks in every Autozone I've been in, even when the help says they don't carry it.
Yep, saw the Mobil 1's but no MX2T there. I will check other stores later. For now I have to finish the 6 pack I bought from Stihl, each is for 2-2.5 gals so it might take me forever to finish it.
044s did not have decomps. It is a big saw with a lot of compression, but it should not seem too bad. Buy the elastostart handle it will help some.
After reading various threads here, I switched to MX2T. I was lucky to find it at an Autozone nearby. When traveling last month, I stopped in an Autozone in southern WV (Around Fayetteville on 19). I looked for MX2T out of curiosity, none to be found. I would break out the phone book and call an array of Autozones before driving to save gas! Perhaps your closest Autozone could search and bring a few bottles in for you?
Justin - Stihl DID make a 044 with decompression valve. The 044 Magnum had a decompression valve and a factory dual port muffler. I always get a premium for the 044 cylinders with a decompression valve. I do not know why some one would need it... I figure if you you need it then the saw is probably too big for you to handle any how.
I have always held the beleif that the decompression valve is there for the sake of the operator AND the saw. Saves wear and tear on the sawyers arm and the starter components.
klickitatsacket said:
Justin - Stihl DID make a 044 with decompression valve. The 044 Magnum had a decompression valve and a factory dual port muffler. I always get a premium for the 044 cylinders with a decompression valve. I do not know why some one would need it... I figure if you you need it then the saw is probably too big for you to handle any how.

I am far from being a HULK but pulling from about 10# then suddenly about 50# results in a jerky motion that it just wrenches the rubber handle from my hand. I can't believe it could have that much compression inside so I removed the spark plug and tried to move it...and is goes so smoothly!

I removed the muffler and took a peek at the cylinder and it looks immaculate.

As a result, I ended up doing the following:
1. Install a new filter.
2. Replace the spark plug.
3. Remove and adjust the rewind starter assembly.
4. Sharpen the chain.
5. Clean the saw...all the plastic covers were washed and brushed :D all nooks and cranny that I can see are now free of dust deposit.

Not much but for someone who basically know nothing about chainsaw a month ago (other than using one), I am proud of it :D.

It is still difficult to pull...but atleast it starts on the 3rd pull now. I did a test cut and the power is amazing. I know it will improve a lot cutting wise once I replace the chain. Some are almost down to nothing and already bent outward while some are almost full. This is the worst chain I've seen.

All-in-all I am glad I bought this saw...though I had my doubts earlier.

Thanks guys!!!

Dario :)
Dario, the way you discribe the chains I will tell you to take the saw with you to the dealer and ask him to look at the sprocket. If you've (the saw has worn down a few chains) you're past due for a new sprocket. Have him check the rails on the bar. I would not suggest putting a new chain on a worn sprocket. A new sprocket is only a couple of bucks, easy to change and good for the new chain. A worn sprocket will strech a new chain and that's not a good thing when for a few bucks you can fix it. Little things that make a big differece in the way the saw cuts.
Thanks for the tip...I'll buy a sprocket today and replace it tonight. I also noticed that I don't have a chain to buy that too.

I can a saw have this so worn bar and chain still have a very nice engine :dizzy: . The compression beats my Husvarna 55R (that is still being broken in) easily by 3x. Looks like the old owner abused it in so many ways like running it without a filter so much so that I probably removed a cup of oil-caked dust from the filter cover and around the intake to the carb.

I really wanted to take pics of that before I cleaned it, but forgot my camera at my in-laws place.

MX2T comes in pints, not quarts, so look for a bottle smaller than the others. plastic bottles can be red (old style) or grey (dark silver).

Advance Auto carries it -- have the counter clerk search for SKU "0 71924 44926 8"