Seldom right...Always opinionated!
A little update now that we've been having sub zero temps.
Still getting a solid 10 hours with a piece or 2 left and an awesome coal bed.
I've started doing a couple things different. With a fresh fill I only fill it half way and let it buck for a while. I then top it off after an hour or so.
The wood seems to burn a lot better this way and I maintain very good secondary temps.
I changed the differential from 10 degrees to 7.
The stove seems to react better coming on at 178 plus I get a small over shoot after the stove shuts off.
Great info! I was going to try and adjust the differential as well as see what it does. On my evening loads I do the halfway thing. Seems to work well.
Hit 1600 the other day for the first time. I was late getting home and the temp dropped off to about 160 after about 15 hours. Got it fired back up with a small load and she was roaring. Stayed in that 1400 to 1600 range while it got back to temp.
Came across a couple bundles of 2 year old slab wood. All hardwood. Gonna give it a try and see what it does. Getting it for free and there is more for the grabbing if it burns ok. Debarked as well so that is a bonus.