Anyone want to come work with me?

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I'd love to come up for a few days. Can't stay away from the family or fledgling business too long though.
Thanks, RB. Hey why didnt I get any wedding presents from ya'll?????? I see how ya are. Oh and this one is going out to Sean Larkin. Why the heck doesnt Sherrill have a Bridal Registry? Do you know how many coffee makers and crock pots I got?????

We will have to work on the baby shower thing. Linden Vance Shawcroft should be here around Nov 6th. Whats the smallest saddle that New Tribe makes???? LOL

Originally posted by MasterBlaster
I might consider it if the days are 4 to 6 hrs... I gotta pace myself to get maximum output.


We're just gettin' warmed up after 4 hours....try ginseng cola instead of Gatorade..

I'll see if I can get ya a Pacemaker....

..tick tock.....

Dang I like that gif....hilarious!:blob2:
Originally posted by glens
I might be interested for a season or so, but only if you can help me <i>become</i> a (good) climber.


Well, big fella, I do need a webmaster! I bet you'd be a fast learner, as long as going aloft came naturally.
Originally posted by TreeCo

Those bums.

I get nose bleeds at those attitudes.

I spit blood out my nose...and fire out of my ears, at those "attitudes" too!!

But I'm skeered to get 60 feet out on a live oak limb...can you help, Dr Dan? :( I'm in need of therapy to keep me from grabbing that 20 foot pole saw.:blob5:
Originally posted by Jumper
Just bought a trailer today, I can be there in four days. All cash given I am an alien though!:D

You're not grey, 4 feet tall with big eyes are ya? No, I think not! The you're no alien to moi! Shoot, I've got some play money left over from Whistler that is itching to find a pocket!
I didnt know you were an alien there Jumper:alien: I just thought you were one of those wierd hosers from Canada, eh.

Originally posted by rbtree
We're just gettin' warmed up after 4 hours....try ginseng cola instead of Gatorade..

It's more a lifestyle thing. Time working balancing with time not working. I'll be dead before I know it... gotta stop and smell stuff... roses and things.

Originally posted by SilverBlue
Brian, Rog will let you borrow the company Lear jet on the weekends.

The alien Jumper is coming over in his anti gravity saucer, maybe he'll pick ya up Rocky....and take ya home on weekends, the trip should only take 5 minutes.....

Be sure to bring yer LJ, we could "jack" some cars.....:alien:

Sorry to disappoiint ya guys, but I have (had?)no spirits of any kind at the moment....but hmmm, what about that green bud???
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Ya, but you sell the best saw in a box- in 40 pieces!!!

A while back, I timed these three saws, they were closer then, but check these times out today, in 7 inch pine.

335 RAH 5.5 seconds dual port muffler well sharpened, but safety chain ( it is otherwise stock, RAH didn't build it...he just took it apart-tonka toy style..hahahaha)
335 Cali 9.5 seconds " " " , chain filing suspect needs the limiter caps off and retuned for more rpm
338 PP Walkerized single port muffler, 10.5 seconds also could use a bit more rpm chain filing suspect.
I'll try to break out the mothballed stock 346 to see if it can beat 5.5 by more than a second.. i doubt it seriously. This 335 is almost too fast!

Originally posted by RAHTREELIMBS

Just put the crane on hold..........'cause we both know I don't know squat about crane work!!!;) [/B]

Don't sell yourself short Rich, you didn't hit any of that 300' long fence when you were trimming for me without a crane and the guy that was in there before us, with a crane, left it well dented:eek: in 6 or 7 places. I think you could get a handle on crane work, after all your a quick study. I heard you won the most improved climber of the year award.
Originally posted by rbtree
Well, big fella, I do need a webmaster! I bet you'd be a fast learner, as long as going aloft came naturally.
I don't know how directly it relates, but I spent many an early morning atop the unit 1 (which was the only one present; the one on the right) 525' stack <a href="">shown here</a> watching the sun rise.&nbsp; It was cheating a little in the sense that there's a steel grating catwalk halfway up and at the top for access to the lights, and they're accessed via a little 3-man (snugly) elevator car climbing the exterior.&nbsp; I was just looking at some of my photos the other day.&nbsp; They weren't quite that far along with unit 2 at the time, and they had just one large crane on site.&nbsp; It was a "ringer" with about 12 yards of concrete slabs as ballast and the stick was 300'.&nbsp; Those two pictured in the link appear to be comparable (the top of the boilers is at 250').

Before that I was apt to go up the two left 625' stacks shown <a href="">here</a> and <a href="">here</a> fairly regularly (on back shifts).

I've also been known to carry a power operator up a 24' ladder and install it on an overhead door, or wind 6" coils of 1/2" wire springs at that height...

Let's talk.&nbsp; Seriously.&nbsp; I'd like to learn a bit of what you know so I can put it to use here.&nbsp; I hate using the bucket truck, tearing up the ground and other limbs, and being limited on height.

Expanding the empire

I, too, need a climber. I've always been swamped with work, but this year is a totally different animal.

I'd like an 'A' climber, but just a responsible, quality-oriented technician who aspires to be a great climber will be considered.

I have a ground guy for the Summer, and between the three of us, the jobs will get done. I wouldn't mind being an instructive ground guy for an occasional change. I rarely get to see other guys climb.

Drive times to work are usually under two minutes. Chip reclamation site is 4 minutes away. 95% hardwoods, strictly residential work, lots and lots of obstacles, like lines, houses, perennial gardens, decks etc.

Climber must know how to wrench on equipment and be a good problem solver. I can not hand over my climbing duties so I can be someones mechanic. Tree rig will be provided, as well as all applicable PPE. You bring your own saws, saddle and ropes. I will take on 100% of the writing of estimates, followup, sales and the purchasing of gear. Your job would be to keep safe and productive practices in the tree, and help your ground guy finish the cleanup, basically my dream job. The high, hard, technical hairy-scaries, however, will remain my duty. I would like to keep the dangerous and technically tricky trees for my own entertainment, but this is where the climber on the ground will pick up a lot of tricks. I am a teacher in the trees, if I have a learner on the ground.

There are a glut of places for rent right now within walking distance of my house (which is also walking / biking distance to the 'zone'.

I am turning away more than 50% of the business that calls in, usually because they are more than two minutes away. This is not how to run a business. Please pm me if you have any interest. Indianapolis, Indiana. Serious inquiries only.