Opportunity for a guy early in his career
Dammit Jim! You make it awful tempting to switch professions! I can't do it, though I would like to get up in a tree again. I can't believe it's been over 3 years since I was saddled up. Don't think I could afford an hour+ drive to work right now, what with my truck only getting 12 mpg.....
Climber must relocate here, and come WITH rope and climbing skills already intact. I am willing to find a climber a place to live here in the peaceful neighborhood adjacent to our work zone, which are three contiguous neighborhoods, each with tens of thousands of trees. Drive times to any job will be within 2-3 minutes. That keeps things efficient and fuel costs low.
It rained yeterday, so I went and did estimates I'd been putting off for two weeks. I'm now booked so deep I can't see the light of day, more or less like in past years, but we've just had more intense storms, so folks want their damage taken care of NOW. When you've got a dozen NOWS on the board, normal artistic pruning can get put off for weeks or months. I can't even refer jobs out to other companies because all the tree guys are filled to the gills. If a caller is more than three minutes from where we live, I simply have to apologise. I'd like to pick up a few of those jobs that I'm currently turning away, but as it stands now, that's just how it is.
I'm willing to teach the business end of things, also; the whole enchilada, not just the climbing part, sole proprietor or corporate. I don't need you forever. I expect you'll leave in time with all the knowledge and create your own little empire. New school methods, and field-testing of the latest safety gear, but I'm not advertising locally. I want to offer the opportunity to an AS member. Move here, set up to take the responsibilities seriously, let's have some fun. Very hip part of town you will live in. Babes galore. The work never really slows down. This month I started booking Winter jobs (complete crown reductions, takedowns of live trees currently in decline). If you're the cat in the safety hat, and you play along with the working philosophy that has made my business too successful for it's own good, you can stay as long as you wish.