Originally posted by Tom Dunlap
In TREE PITHY POINTS, Shigo writes:
#190-Do people who say arbor i' culture say par li' a ment?
Well thar'SRT (Single Rope Tom
Ya know i been known to slur a syllable,
here and there. And i been laughing on and off,
knowing not to feel pith-ed off, nor on!
so let ya in on the joke....
Usually the "I" does come silently kinda in repose;
might slip out some though...
from pounding it in to a few climbers etc.;
As in not Arbor-duhhhhhhhhh-Culture;
but a more emphatic Arbor-I-Culture, taking charge/responsibility for actions/cuts/spikes/info given etc.
Coincident-ally, while i was recently undoing/redoing/scrapping/ marking up pix with lines and arrows for
Basic Proper Wounding Guide Thread; i told that story in another sense of spelling. About 'riding' some climber in a tree not to interfere with Branch Collar functions with every dang cut Pullllllllleaze! At that time, i (ab)used it in a lil'different sense(?:alien: ) as Arbor-Eye-Culture; while pulling down under right eye with 2 fingers in a watch what the frick ya'doin with that dang saw animation; whilst charging across yard to tree climber was sitting in. So as to be trying to get point across and keeping it light. At the end of the day, that can be a thin thread to walk, and ya don't need to come back tommorrow by breaking that last thread!
So, i might say it a few ways, but that is the color and giggle/enthusiasm i give it from previous ant-ics inside myself and sometimes outside when i can; thought it might make good ammunition sometime for the cause, or jest background fodder such as this............!
Ummmmmmm; of c'urse; i'm so busted of messing up the other word too; it has been known to come out at a meeting; with a scant French referance of "Parle'-i-meant" to people coming to a meeting to wage war or not talk at all. So i'm hopeless i guess!
Orrrrrrrr something like that!