Arborist and protesters

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Yea, woof ! woof ! Speaking of the trees, I'll bet they're not too happy choking on all that stank anyway, probably cant breathe- gone into defense mode, "just cut me". LOL
It is all too easy (and gratifying, I admit!) to short-circuit the higher brain centers and resort to name-calling and personal attack.

That explains why you called me out for my original post in this thread!:cheers:

FWIW I used the word "hippy" as a description, not intended to be derogatory.
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cut the friggin trees down, put all the survivor's in jail, and chip the rest of the chit!!:clap:
I'm all for the trees and all, however, bustin on those dirty hippies is just too much fun. I'm with Clearance on this, dogs and clubs- after bean bag knocking em out ! And what about the dreads and that friggin petulie oil or whatever ? Hope the poor dogs dont get sick ! I would've loved to be the guy cuttin ropes and kickin that nasty a$$ed :greenchainsaw: crap bucket off ! LOL.

+1 Me too!!!
It's 2008; hippie pretty much died 40 years ago, when most of you were swimming around in a scrotum, or yo momma was. :censored:

what's the slang for New England Redneck? :chainsaw:

Thanks, moray, for acting human.
It's 2008; hippie pretty much died 40 years ago, when most of you were swimming around in a scrotum, or yo momma was. :censored:

what's the slang for New England Redneck? :chainsaw:

Thanks, moray, for acting human.

other than "knucklehead" there is no term for redneck up this way man. lol
It's 2008; hippie pretty much died 40 years ago, when most of you were swimming around in a scrotum, or yo momma was. :censored:

what's the slang for New England Redneck? :chainsaw:

Thanks, moray, for acting human.

I gotta disagree with this completely. Ask a 15 year old what a hippy is and they'll be able to tell you. Ask someone to describe a hippie, long hair, tye die, and protests will be mentioned.

As for thanking moray, why THANK the guy who started the flamewar in the first place????
Half a dozen sitters left....100 trees. Hmmmm. I have a plan.

These guys just don't strike me as great pillars of community concern, rather otherwise homeless drop outs with nothing better to do, and nowhere else quite as nice and scenic to smoke dope and drop I meant live. I meant live, really I did, I don't know where that came from. What I should have said was 'eat peas and rice.'

I'll bet these characters will be bummin' if they actually do save the trees. They'll claim victory alright, no question, but deep down there will be fear, loathing, and despair coupled closely with the question....

Now what?

How would you like to be that security guard BTW? I would flat die of boredom!!

Personally, I'd hate to see such a nice grove go to waste for a glorified play ground, but I don't think that this is a true representation of community outcry. Nevertheless, we have to have a fair balance between expansion and stewardship.

I really like the idea of planting some trees somewhere to offset. Would these sitters show up on work day? Everyday? Beyond the opportunity for a photo op? When the media attention is gone, would they still be planting because they really care?

I have my doubts.
I have always thought that you are either part of the problem or part of the solution.

I have yet to see any article praising the good works being done by these "sitters". There is nothing positive to be said about what they are doing, other than getting attention and delaying a legal process.

These people are nothing more than tresspassers that the government is afraid of confronting. If these vagrants (yes.... I DID say that) were sleeping in the stairways of the classroom buildings (university property, just like the trees), they would be arrested. If they took up residence on the chancelors front lawn, they would be removed immediately. Because they are in trees, everyone is afraid of upsetting them.

Pay for my flight and expenses (may include a need for police protection) and give me a campus work order for removal... I'll have the trees cleaned out, cut down, and hauled off in short order.
Ask a 15 year old what a hippy is and they'll be able to tell you. Ask someone to describe a hippie, long hair, tye die, and protests will be mentioned.
That's the surface, not the soul. Having the willingness to protest and pursue alternatives, that was the heart of the movement. It was not about drugs at first.If you're under 55, you have no way of knowing this--you had to be there. :)
As for thanking moray, why THANK the guy who started the flamewar in the first place????
If that's true, sorry--I didn't see the whole thread
Having it both ways

...As for thanking moray, why THANK the guy who started the flamewar in the first place????

Oh come off it, OTG! When I publicly praised you for standing up for good discourse, you liked it enough to give me a rep point for it (thanks). Then, when you backslide on precisely the same issue, and I publicly (and very mildly) criticize you for it, suddenly I am starting a flame war?

The issue, lest we forget, is the practice attaching a group label to someone, and then beating up on them because of their purported membership in the group, not for anything they actually said or did. In the original instance, for which you willingly took credit, the group membership had to do with credentials, and whether it was proper to discount the statements of an individual lacking certain credentials. You firmly said no. Bravo.

But perhaps I misunderstood. Perhaps there was no broader principle at stake for you when you made what I took to be a principled stand. Because in this thread, even though the labels and clearly pejorative descriptions were flying thick and fast, you and several others all saw fit to pile on the Berkeley protesters. None of you produced even one lonely little fact relevant to the actual case. And when some of your buddies felt that warm surge of lynch-mob fever, they started attacking me as well, with the same empty posturing and name calling. I stand by my description of this as pack behavior, with apologies to my canine friends for whom it is an unfair comparison.
compare apples to elephants

Whatever. I don't use this forum to make political or moral statements about anything. I don't give a rats azz about hippies, or trees 3000 miles away, or if you like me or not.

I implied that hippie type woman are excessively hairy because that has been my experience. Not a great stretch based on pics of hairy dudes in tye dye calling themselves retarted names like "sky". I didn't "pile on" at all. It was one benign, off the cuff remark. You on the other hand called me out directly because you interpreted my implications a certain way and disagreed. Not really a civilized way to handle an arguement. Pretty f'd up actually. I do regret the rep point I gave you, not because I didn't mean it at the time, but because I can't neg rep you now. Your posts in this thread are quite ridiculous, not to mention filled with lies.
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fecrousejr - You statements are not quite true in terms of how this happened or why there are people sitting in the trees.

Berkeley is the hub in the United States during the 60's revolution for doing exactly what you said they would get arrested for in the first place.

Civil disobedience, like this situation, have done a lot of good during the past century. You things like, equal rights for minorities including blacks, women, etc.

You just dont understand the situation and all you are doing is continuing the ruse that these people are just dirty hippies squatting because they are bored.

Like TreeCo said... Unless you were there or old enough you just dont get it.

Most of these "Dirty hippies have gone on to become congressmen/women, lawyers, environmentalists, senators, etc. They were usually college students that found certain things to be against what we call freedom in the United States.

Good luck with whatever you do, try to look at things with an open mind before you jump on the bandwagon.