or Professional. as Wikipedia defines it, " (capital P)Professionals usually have autonomy in the workplace—they are expected to utilize their **independent judgement and professional ethics in carrying out their responsibilities.[4] This holds true even if they are employees instead of working on their own. Typically a professional provides a service (in exchange for payment or salary), in accordance with established protocols for licensing, ethics, procedures, standards of service and training / certification."
Tradesmen and others, like gigolos and dope dealers, can act small p professionally as they Keep the Customer Satisfied (remember the Paul Simon song?), but Timber is a Professional because he is independent.
Can you separate religion from the rest of life? If so, is it relevant? and were you supposed to bring that up in this forum--watch the rules!Not at all; the ones who believed in saving the tree but did not act were more concerned with keeping the teacher and the parent and everyone else satisfied, instead of satisfying the ultimate need for truth, justice and the arboricultural way.
Can you?
You were the first one bringing up religions....i.e. evolution. Just as great a farce as global warming...another great recent religion brought to you by those that tried touting global cooling as an end to their means not so long ago. How soon we forget. Like I said, fodder for the masses.
At any rate, some people make a religion around trees. I'm simply saying that, IMHO, anything more high minded and aloof than considering the entire spectrum of
Professional tree work as valid is religious. In other words, if one believes that they are more sanctified, or more noble, or more validated because they are above certain tasks or aspects of the profession, that is fine, but it resembles something more along the lines of religious zeal than professionalism.
I suppose that there is room for that in a blue collar field, but it's borrowed at best. It's all grunt work, some more glorified in certain minds than others, perhaps, but grunt work all the same. And yes, a need for professionals at every corner of it.
I'm not in reference to fly by night hacksters, those are beyond the scope of this profession and aside from my point. At best they are more akin to the dope peddlers and what not you refer to that keep an 'ignorant' customer satisfied. Howbeit, let's stay focused shall we.
I'm talking about customers that are either knowledgeable, or in the process of being educated by a good arborist. Careful, I didn't say converted to anyone's ideology (does that word make you feel more comfortable?) or religion. I'm talking just the facts.
Now then, I wonder, if one of these customers, that keep good arborists like Timber "independent" (see the underlying dependence), wanted a tree removed, simply because, what is a guy above this sort of thing to do? Argue? I doubt it. Might try persuasion, but in the end most are going to be the paid worker that they are and do the job and keep the customer, or risk giving the job and maybe the customer to an arborist that can handle all the tasks, physically, mentally, and emotionally.
I love Trees, brother, but I can't afford to make a religion out of them. Perhaps some can, but are they really an arborist first, or an idealist.
A good friend of mine comes to me and says, "What's with all this tree work, come work for me and run my business. What can you possibly want with chopping down trees all the time?"
I told him, "You don't understand, I'm interested in tree care so that I don't have to chop them down all of the time. I'd rather care for them, that is my interest."
He was dumb struck for a moment, and then understood.
But chop them down I will. Plant them I will. Care for them I will. Make a religion out of them I won't.
the ones who believed in saving the tree but did not act were more concerned with keeping the teacher and the parent and everyone else satisfied, instead of satisfying the ultimate need for truth, justice and the arboricultural way.
Touching, very touching. Sounds borrowed though.

That's ok, we do it all the time, don't we.
How many students believed in saving the tree, now that we have it narrowed down?
Are you saying that one that maintains a belief or an opinion, but does not act in a certain way, is by default a coward?
So then, by this flavor of rationale all of the students and residence at Berkley that would rather not see 38 out of 100 trees be removed are cowards? Just these few in the trees are courageous?
Funny, not much talk about Berkley since the whole truth was revealed.
Oh well, I like the story of these six kids better by far anyway.