Depends on what state you live in and their regulations. In MD to get insurance for tree work you have to have a MD Tree Experts license. No license, no insurance. A lot of lawn guys do tree work and say they are covered buy their lawn company insurance, WRONG. When I took my MD Tree Expert exam in 1999, you had to have a 4 year degree or 8 years in the trade just to qualify to take the test. You take the test, pass, the state gives you a form stating you passed. Take that to your insurance company, they give you a policy. Take your policy # back to the state, and they issue you your license. I took the test on the very last day before they switched to the ISA test. So, some requirements may have changed a little. Personally, I can't see any insurance company giving a policy to cover dangerous work unless you can document the ability to do the work safely. No disrespect intended. I think if you go to your agent and tell them you take down trees on the side for friends, relatives, and the firewood, they will very politely say no. Another angle people used to/ probably still do, use was the MHIL, MD Home Improvement License. Since it didn't apply to Tree work I never looked into what it actually covered. Builders, landscapers, general contractors, all had the MHIL # on their trucks. But it Did Not cover tree work.
To your question. If you can get it , YES. One mistake on your part and you could be working the rest of your life to support someone you injured.
I know you don't use hired help? Many years ago, my uncle hired a kid that lied on his work permit. To work on a ground crew you have to be 18, in MD. If I'm wrong someone will correct me. The kid turned out to be a year or two younger than he said. He was on a roof sweeping off sawdust and fell and broke his neck. My uncle had to pay fines and send the kid to a special rehab school in CO. Even with insurance it cost him a fortune. Not to mention the emotional issue of the kid getting injured.
Saying be careful does not just mean wearing chaps and glasses. I came from 4 generations of tree care, I had a license, I don't now. I still work for friends and relatives. Just know that there are consequences to your actions, and you may be paying for them, for ever, Joe.
To your question. If you can get it , YES. One mistake on your part and you could be working the rest of your life to support someone you injured.
I know you don't use hired help? Many years ago, my uncle hired a kid that lied on his work permit. To work on a ground crew you have to be 18, in MD. If I'm wrong someone will correct me. The kid turned out to be a year or two younger than he said. He was on a roof sweeping off sawdust and fell and broke his neck. My uncle had to pay fines and send the kid to a special rehab school in CO. Even with insurance it cost him a fortune. Not to mention the emotional issue of the kid getting injured.
Saying be careful does not just mean wearing chaps and glasses. I came from 4 generations of tree care, I had a license, I don't now. I still work for friends and relatives. Just know that there are consequences to your actions, and you may be paying for them, for ever, Joe.