So where are you I have been to Newton county once turkey hunting.
Between Deer and Nail,smack in the middle of the county,and no,I'm not kiddin':biggrinbounce2:
So where are you I have been to Newton county once turkey hunting.
Thats a good idea traffic is bad!
Sounds like there could be more come than I thought.![]()
Nice to see you in the mix here,Rope.How about right after gun season?
I have the utmost respect for you hardcore bow hunters....REAL sport there.Alas,I'm just a lowly meat in the pot hunter with the .270 weatherby in hand..........I'm with ya on waiting for the cold bonfire weather,though.
I'm gonna let you guys figure out the best date as I can free up for just about any date with some notice....
My zone (2) is 11/14 through 12/6-seems to get longer every year.
I'll have mine on the 15th if you bow hunters leave any pickins:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:
Between Deer and Nail,smack in the middle of the county,and no,I'm not kiddin':biggrinbounce2:
Between Deer and Nail,smack in the middle of the county,and no,I'm not kiddin':biggrinbounce2:
Your about four hours out the big problem and it ain't really a problem is motels are not close if I remember correct. I am sure tents would suffice for most of us, of course I can drive home after. I may want to come early to help set up and stuff though. Is there motels around nails?
How far are you from Harrison?
Motels LMFAO!........but seriously,Jasper is the closest place for those kind of accomodations.I do have a primitive 850 sq. foot hunting cabin out there and there are a couple of other dwellings there that would suffice for some rustica-provided you chased the squirrels and mice out first.The only utilities we have out there are water and landline phone.....You Ouachita boys are used to being closer to things haha.
Also Rope,if you have a hankerin' for some wild and woolly hunting deer,turkey,pig,whatever I can set you up with some shweet spots.![]()
We gots that BIG game up here hehehe:spam:
Rope,I'm open to event sounds good to me...accomodations will be in Jasper-about 25 mins. away.
I do have that cabin with wood stove and three beds...if the guys with families would check in,I would give the cabin up to them.
You guys PM me if you want some motel/bed and breakfast/lodge type accomodations.
BTW,the .50 caliber is not mine and I just as soon everyone leave their rifles and pistols at home.Good clean GTG is what I'm after.....I don't want to scare anyone of thinking we got crazy rednecks with big guns.
We could grill up some wild meat of choice too:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:
Yeah I agree the idea is a gtg not a keg party or brawl if we have out of state guests they should have a great time, don't want them having worse feelings for Arkansans. I wish deliverance was filmed in freekin San Fransisco where that sorta thing is more likely to occur![]()
Just got a pm from a member and I would like to be clear on one point:
All are welcome to this event regardless of race, color, creed, sex,etc..
Intolerance will NOT be tolerated and I would like to dispell the myths of NW Arkansas being the last bastion of racial intolerance.....Good people around here and ALL are welcome.![]()