And it was one mean saw too.The 880 had a 47 inch bar with 404 63 chain.
And it was one mean saw too.The 880 had a 47 inch bar with 404 63 chain.
Yep, 757 It was there. Nice saw and was really fast too.Looks like I missed out on a good one! Great pictures too!! Did anybody get suprised by an old Shindaiwa???
Wow, Hal you are quick. If you missed it ya better make plans for the next one. We had a blast. just a bunch of the nicest folks you would ever want to meet.
Wow, Hal you are quick. If you missed it ya better make plans for the next one. We had a blast. just a bunch of the nicest folks you would ever want to meet.
Sorry we left out so early this morning, wanted to stay and cut some more. The wife wasn't feeling well, she is still not feeling good hope it passes.
OK, you asked for it, the long awaited video Lipstick VS Rope....sorta like Ali VS Fraizer, the thrilla in Manilla.....
That's the best I can do, someone else is going to have to embed this for me.
We made it home. Had a blast and will be thinking of yesterday and today for a long time. It was great to meet everyone and see all the saws. I think someone counted 57 saws and they were'nt all togeather. Thank you Freehand and thank you everyone else that had anything to do with this event. It was a fun GTG!