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I am on my towns forestry board and being faced w a dilemma would like to hear your opinions which I respect more than others I am with on the board. We have the EAB on the boarder of my county and will probably see the ash killing borer this season. The question is .....Do you treat some of the ash trees to 1. Lessen the impact on the community by treating some of the ash so it is a more subtle loss of asthetics and possibly cooling and maybe well being? 2. To wait for a possible treatment to eradicate this insect where none in approx 8 years has proven to work unconditionally? The negatives of treating are the approx annual cost of 100, 000 which would buy a lot of tree removal and buy a lot of tree planting. Also if treating for , say, the 3 years suggested by co member, you will lose growth years of new trees planted now. We have approx 10% ash street and park trees as most towns do around here.