Well it's 300 for ash only cause of the time of year. People need something to burn and with pulp prices high this summer there ain't much of any dry stuff around at all. Normally everyone in my area buys firewood in spring or summer for 200 to 225 a cord and unless it's oak, they burn it that winter
IMO Ash is the best firewood out there along with white and red Oak in that order. The bigger the better, slab them up, then split square pieces for awesome stacking for corners. I've been called an ASHHOLE & ASHAHOLIC both titles I proudly accept! Some people are allergic to the smoke, so I've been told?
EAB Ash firewood,I sold 9 face cord over the weekend.I got $80.00 a face cord and had to deliver it (60 miles round trip)
The Ash on my property is getting to the point where it almost isn't even good firewood.I don't have enough time to cut it all!
Now there's so much snow,,It's hard to get to,last fall was so wet,I couldn't harvest it then either.