Heck boys, I ain't whining and complaining...
After-all, this is a "Firewood, Heating and Wood Burning Equipment" forum, ain't it? All I'm doing is reporting my observations, experiences and making comparisons of specific firewood, while using my equipment. If it comes across as whining to ya'... well, I guess it does then, but that ain't what I'm doing. Before I joined AS I never considered seeking-out and cutting ash (or hard maple) for heating fuel... sure, if a branch fell in the yard, or a limb became sacrificial during the felling of something else it would get thrown in the mix. But for over a year now I've read posts here declaring the virtues of ash (and hard maple)... I just ain't finding those to be so virtuous as claimed... and I'm reporting that fact. I believe in making the most of my time when making firewood... after making comparisons, I see no reason to work ash when I can be working standing-dead elm (and I see no reason to work hard maple when I can be working oak). All I'm doing is stating there does appear to be a reason why I was told by those who walked before me to cut oak and standing-dead elm... just walk past everything else if'n ya' can. And, I can, so why not?
If ya' wanna' see whining I can give that to ya'... if ya' really wanna' see it, that is... but this ain't it.