This is interesting. I've read all the Axe-Men posts and there's kind of a common thread that runs through them.
The Left Coast crew, especially the PNWs, seem to find the whole thing favorable so far. A few reservations about technique, but they generally like the show. They're usually the ones with first hand or real world experience at what the show portrays and they know what they're looking at.
The mid-west bunch is split about half and half on whether they like it or not. The midcontinent types who log or have a knowledge of it seem to like the show.
The east coast types, as a rule, don't seem to like it much. That might be because they don't have any basis of understanding about what Left Coast logging is really like. Maybe they were expecting Paul Bunyan with an 880 in each hand and an axe clenched in his teeth, muttering obscenities and scowling a lot as he laid waste to five square miles of forest every day.
Sorry kids, it is what it is. Stick might learn something.
And before anybody protests...there are exceptions to every rule.