I believe that to be incorrect.
I visited Israel and there I saw, on a regular basis, tables of three, four and five nice Jewish Ladies. They would all be talking at once. Occasionally they would rotate out for air and to sip a drink.
Can Log Truckers do that?
Even if they had the technology?
There's two rigging guys who have worked together for eons. They come as a pair, I believe, when hired. They'll be talking at the same time and understanding each other! Nobody else does, but they do. It is kind of eerie. Like they have mind melded or something.

Truck drivers have contact with log scalers. The log scaler is the Grand Poohbah of Rumor Control. The scaling shack takes in all rumors from the 4 corners of the earth and then sorts and disseminates these rumors. The trucker then carries the new "information" out to the crews in the woods. It is a very efficient operation requiring a few donuts.