Holy Cow, The middle of June and Santa Neil dropped a gift off in my garage. With so much being delivered now a days. We have 4-5 deliveries a day. I went in for lunch, and when I came back out, there was a package sitting in the middle of the floor I just cleaned up. Since Fathers Day is coming up I figured it was more socks from the kids. I cut and split firewood in shorts wearing Krocks on my feet. Just fancy flip flops. My socks get so filled with saw dust I'm not allowed to put them in the washer, so I just toss them. I bent over to pick them up and threw my back out. Two beautiful vintage heads, Kent patterns.. Thank you much Neil. I will have to commission Clarence to hang them, I couldn't do them justice.
Thanks for asking, every one home is doing well. My daughter just got married back in November and is an Occupational Therapist. When covid hit they didn't want all of the Therapists being exposed, so they drew straws to see who worked with the covid patients. She drew the short straw. So she says. I think she volunteered and just didn't want to tell her Mom. Two weeks ago she tested positive. She had no fever or other symptoms. She gets tested once a week and that's how they found it. A few days later she had cold like symptoms, but never a fever. Shes well now. But, her husband was trapped in their apartment with her, and this week he got it. He had a fever for a couple days and felt worse than Jennifer did. But, he's almost well now. They still have 7-8 days of quarantine before they can go back to work.
Thanks again, one of these days I'm going to find you a Plumb Cruiser Double.