Went to another auction today. Old farm sale, 10 out buildings. First 30 minutes and there were two nice Jersey's with nice handles, I bid to $18 and the next guy got them for $20. Went into another barn and there was a big tin with about a dozen ax, hatchet, and ball peen hammer heads. I bid that to $38 and the same guy got it for $40. Then outside another building there were two more jersey's and he got them too. There were two axes I really wanted, I have never seen anything like them, and somebody out bid me on them. I saw the guy that bought all of the other axes and asked about the two long skinny ones I wanted. He said he didn't see them, or he would have bought them. But, he said, by the description they were mortising axes. Then out side the last building with tools there was a brand new, in the box, no oil in it yet, Biggs and Stratton 675 series engine, the exact model on my wood splitter. I got it for $25. I did buy another carpenters hatchet because it had a leather sheath on it that fits my little Plumb. All in all had a good day, Joe.