Axe restoration thread

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I have no idea as to where this poor tool saw such abuse. I found it sitting on the steps of the the tool shed at the children's camp and immediately declared it unfit for use.

I am actually amazed that it took so much punishment and didn't shear anything off..... Probably cheap, unhardened steel so it just continued to mushroom rather than shear.
I thought it was one from you Dad's place. Coming from the camp makes sense. Home of the "Abuse every thing, because it's not mine, family". Although, some one must of had some skill, the mushroom is so even it almost looks factory.
I hit the flea market this morning and got some pretty good finds. I saw 2 axes on a guys tailgate he told me three bucks each. He said he had a couple more on the table out front. 2 are made by kelly and one by plumb. Not sure about the red head. He even threw in the pick axe. Five for twelve bucks. Also throwing in a pic of my 288 we rebuilt and started for the first time yesterday. Seems to run good. If anyone has any knowledge on the axes they would be willing to share I’d appreciate it.

Awesome score there !!!

BTW , you suck , and I mean that in a kind and respectful way lol
Three no name axes, so I passed. A pile of about 6-8 wedges, couple mushroomed, a couple new, the rest in between. I got to talking and missed them. I didn't want them, I was going to send them to MN the next time SVK comes by. Bought a little Sears Explorer I for $10. I'm pretty sure it's a Poulan XXV, got pics in the Poulan thread and scrounging.
Holy smokes! I had one like that years ago when I was a younger and dumber man. I tried to split a rock and a piece of the mushrooming shot off and hit me in the abdomen. Hurt like hell, learned a valuable lesson. Good job on the confiscation. You might have saved someone's eye or tooth or life.
So. It seems I have a 6lb Wetterlings on its way. Paid £36 after postage, not bad. Handle is described as 'nicks but plenty of life'. The photos suggest it's actually ' utterly fubar' .. I'll be slightly annoyed at the poor description but not unexpectedly ripped off.

Also have a bid in on a 'made in Sweden' head only. Fingers crossed. I might also get around to finishing the Kelly and the likely Swedish hatchet.... Maybe....I did sell the project 660 so no excuses.... Other then dad being ill, 2 kids under 3 and starting a new job.... At least the wood pile is continuing to grow....20cube CSS, +5 collected awaiting processing. Head feels like it is above water but the waves are bigger then I'd like!
So. It seems I have a 6lb Wetterlings on its way. Paid £36 after postage, not bad. Handle is described as 'nicks but plenty of life'. The photos suggest it's actually ' utterly fubar' .. I'll be slightly annoyed at the poor description but not unexpectedly ripped off.

Also have a bid in on a 'made in Sweden' head only. Fingers crossed. I might also get around to finishing the Kelly and the likely Swedish hatchet.... Maybe....I did sell the project 660 so no excuses.... Other then dad being ill, 2 kids under 3 and starting a new job.... At least the wood pile is continuing to grow....20cube CSS, +5 collected awaiting processing. Head feels like it is above water but the waves are bigger then I'd like!
Pics of the utterly fubar?
I think i'm gong to have some hafting practice. I just did a bit of easy splitting with the 2 3/4lb Elwell and on the pls side it felt really nice to swing and in super easy spitting cherry it was lovely, on the negative the handle I thought firm isn't, its now loose. Not fussed as I actually wanted to rehaft it, reuse the good hande and lower it down an inch or 2 is my plan, so long as I can get the head off without doing too much damage to the haft.
My pickaroon handle is also working loose. It ws my first ever hafting and its stayed tight for 6 or 8 cord of use probably. Again I'll likely drop it down a couple of inches.

The annoying thing about tonights little session of splitting ....a partial stack collapse. poo.
It came that way. When I bought it I could tell the head had loosened as it had moved 1/4" off the haft but someone had added a massive metal wedge along side the wood one and first time I used it the head felt ok. Last night it moved a fair bit though. If I can get it off, I'll drop it down an inch or 2, it's getting it off that could be tricky but given the amount of movement I think it will come.
I have a hb hatchet with epoxied head that has come loose. Has anyone dropped the haft on one of these and added a wedge?

I've done several rehandles from those with epoxy because I found that it would have been too low after trying to set the head .
I've done several rehandles from those with epoxy because I found that it would have been too low after trying to set the head .
Thank you. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to rehang it seeings how the handle is still in great shape with almost all the red paint on it still. But I don’t want to epoxy it either.
@Philbert hooked me up with a new handle for my 6# maul. Good thing it came with two packs of epoxy because some of the first batch weeped out of the bottom of the eye despite the fact that I taped it up with painters tape. I kind of made a mess with it on top of the head but can clean that up later
