backing up a rope pulling device

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Originally posted by NickfromWI
Combining this with a redirect on a conveniently located tree makes a lot of things easier!


Barring that, pulling at an angle to intended lay can swing the tree along it's lay line while still pulling in the general direction. You rarely find an anchor point exactly in line anyways, at least I never do.

But then, if the trees were that easy, they wouldn't need to call ME in, either.
FWIW, RB, (who generally knows whereof he speaks) has posted in the past that a 7 wrap V. T will hold a huge load without slipping.
Yeah, in this use, I put on as many wraps as I can fit. On a climbing hitch, we expect perfect performance. In the heavy pulling application, I just want no slippage unless I say. I guess more wraps equals more friction equals more holding power.


Kito LeverBlock or Maasdan RopePuller are not set up like homeowner Come-alongs and don't wrap chain or rope up around the drum, they pass it through so they don't lose MA as they work Spidy. I think it's a CMI product, #601 Block&Tackle is another way of pulling a load. Still, when in doubt, backup your bull line by running the tail through a port-a-wrap or some other friction brake. Treeman88 were you using wedges to give the tree a bit of lift or do you need to buy some more tools?
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I once did a mango tree that was 6.5 ft. in dia. It was close to the house so we had to cut it to about 12 ft. high before we could drop the trunk. My come-along (the 29 lb. beast from Baileys) could not pull it over. I had to make a cut out on the opposite side, insert my 12 ton bottle jack with a steel plate on the top and jack the back side up about 4 inches to get enough lean for the come-along to put it over. And yes I did have a large face cut and wedges.
Re: come-along

Originally posted by geofore
Kito LeverBlock or Maasdan RopePuller are not set up like homeowner Come-alongs and don't wrap chain or rope up around the drum, they pass it through so they don't lose MA as they work Spydy.

Good point of example. i have a Maasdam loaded with HY-Vee Safety Blue 3 strand. Capstan wenches do not load drum either, so no power loss/ speed gain as a come along or drum loading wenches.

Chain hoist is my most recent 'Why the heck din't i think of this before' deal.
Nick and I are on the same rope.

Using a butterfly or other inline loop decreases the strength effeciency of the pull rope. Using a piggy back system attached with a friction hitch [your choice, with enough wraps they all grab] won't damage the pull rope.

Since we run a number of crews, its easier to find multiple uses for gear. If all of the crews had a come along it would cost too much.

I'd rather not have the full load supported ONLY by the MA system. I have much more confidence that my pull rope and friction device won't fail. I don't have the same confidence in a puller or MA system.
Realistically, you shouldn't be loading the gear that close to failure anyways. I'd love to have a scale i could set up to see how much force is actually necessary to crank a tree over.

The biggest mistake I see made is leaving the hinge WAYYYY to thick; thereby mandating oodles more force than really required to get the job done.

The truly best device to back up a pulling system with is a wedge. You can apply force with it, and if you keep it tight, it prevents the tree from "slamming" back down on the kerf;- if for some stupid reason you make the rigging fail.

Sharing gear among crews is a PITA; constantly having to figure out what crew has what you need. I hear ya on the $ side of it, though.
Originally posted by netree

Sharing gear among crews is a PITA; constantly having to figure out what crew has what you need. I hear ya on the $ side of it, though.

I hear that- There is only one of me and I still hate sharing gear amongst 3 trucks. ( I know someone is scatching their head-'1 guy is running three trucks?") There is the Chipper truck which needs a full complement of tools. Then there is the stump grinder truck which needs a basic complement of tools-cause you never know when something might come up! Finally there is my wife's truck which is our traveling truck and I can't go running off somewhere without a rope and saddle and 3 saws and some pole tools now can I?:rolleyes: :D
Little different reply as I'm a real scardy cat having once spent 2 weeks in the hospital 30 years ago from a cable pulled tree.

Now, never use anything less than 1/2 plowsteel cable, steel eye in molly hogan eyes with 2 clips and shakles. On big stuff over 40"dbh or 150 ft tall, generally use a couple of 5/8 steel cables with a couple of 3/8" sideways guides if space permits. Pull remotely with 12K winch or crawler with FOPS.

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