Your penance son is to plant 3 more alike trees this weekend while asking the spirit of Shigo for his forgiveness. A purchase of a tree physiology book may buy your indulgence
Home - Shigo and Trees
A prayer must be said as well
Tree Decay
Wall 1. After being wounded, the tree responds in a dynamic way by plugging the vertical vascular system above and below the wound. The conducting elements-vessels in angiosperms and tracheids in gymnosperms are plugged in various ways: tyloses, gum deposits, pit asperations, etc. The plugged elements complete the transverse top and bottom walls of the compartments. Wall 1 is the weakest wall.
Wall 2. The last cells to form in each growth ring make up the tangential walls of the compartments. These walls are CONTINUOUS around each growth ring~xcept where sheets of ray cells pass through. Wall 2 is the second weakest wall.
Wall 3. Sheets of ray cells make up the radial walls. They are DISCONTINUOUS walls because they vary greatly in length, thickness, and height. Walls 3 are the strongest walls in the tree at the time of wounding.
Wall 4. After a tree is wounded, the cambium begins to form a new protective wall. The wall is both an anatomical and a chemical wall. This wall separates the tissue present at the time of wounding from tissue that forms after. It is the strongest of the four wall
We've all done it, very brave of you to admit it :msp_tongue: