Bad day

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I clean mine every two weeks. My wood is two years seasoned and I burn it fairly hot. Sometimes I only get a cups worth, other times I get over a gallon. Depends on wood species, weather, draft, etc. I also have an 8x11 clay flue. Not a big fan of them. I plan to install an insulated ss liner next year. Not sure what I'm more sorry for....your chimney fire .....or the fact that you're 22 and have had two wives already.
22, been married 2 times, got a 5 year old son I never have met and 100 grand in debt and flat broke. Living the American dream right?
From the reading on the thermal gun and what I can tell in the chimny only the top 8 feet burned. The rest is still coverd in creosote. So I will replace the burned out section including flue liners no matter how they look. I've rebuilt over 300 Chimneys from the roof line up, this will be the frist that's been burned up to my knowledge.
I can relate. Married at 21. One son. Divorced shortly thereafter. Remarried at 23. Daughter with current wife, We are going on 10 years of marriage in August. I turn 33 on Jan 1st. It gets better. Hang in there.
I do not believe you can. Just rebuild it so it's separated into 2 internal flues. Line the wood stove side and make sure it's taller than the furnace side.

Yep, that is what I meant. Normally code does not allow two appliances on the same flue. Also one would want the best flue ( the 6" liner) on the dirtiest appliance - the wood stove.
Well Saturday we got scaffold built. Ripped the chimny down 8 feet. 4 flue liners cracked. Got down to good chimny. Cleaned the hell out of the rest including a good blocked section. Rebuilt it Christmas day. Still have to flash it and pour a crown. That will be Tuesday. Rain today and have some work to do in a factory. Didn't get a picture before I wrapped it up. 20161225_164449.jpg 20161224_161337.jpgAlso got my sthil pro forestry axe I asked for for Christmas. Now if only I had time to cut some wood.
Good that you've got access to equipment, skilled help and the know how but most of all that nobody was hurt or major property damage.
Any members in the area may want to pass along some business if they need a mason.
Merry Christmas.
Nice job, and complements on your drive, determination and capabilities. I like to see people who can get things done under adversity - being able to do it yourself saved a bundle.
I check mine every Sat. A.M. open the clean out door, look up the chimney w/ a mirror, done.
I check mine every Sat. A.M. open the clean out door, look up the chimney w/ a mirror, done.
I went to the little Amish metal shop that I buy SS stove pipe and parts from to BSing with another Amish guy that was there, he said just that morning he had a chimney fire. They thought they were gonna have to call the FD but were able to get it out on their own. He said he didn't understand what happened because just that morning he had used a mirror to check it and he could see daylight up through the flue no problem :dumb2: :crazy2: :dizzy:
I thought to myself, "Jus 'cus it ain't plugged don't mean its Ok Jonas!"
Daylite is one thing, but seeing how much build-up is what concerns me. I can see daylite with a chimney that has too much build-up, in which case I clean it immediately. By checking it weekly, it never gets to that point. 40 yrs and no chimney fire yet!!!