Darin said:
Did you take the return MS-310? If so, why are we still harping on it? If you didn't why not? If you didn't will you or won't you return it and why?[/QUOTEI
At first I told shoerfast I would return the saw, that was the first day he got the saw. He just went on saying how the saw was so junky and so on, this is for like 3 days he was really really rude, Im notcgoing to take a saw back that I know Ran fine and has been all tore apart with out seeing it first. Thats y the first day he recived the saw I was going to return it. Y im not trusting of him now is that he called me a lier, and other names. You guys can think what you want I dont care, shoer fast you said you havnt made a cut with it is this right, tell the truth. One other thing is that I seen a lawer on this and he has seen all the messages that me and shoerfast sent, he is a really down to earth type person(the lawer). I cant say what he said on this site but it is what im doing.
I told you I would return it the first day, I really would have. I really really didnt mean any dam harm on any thing but you really really pissed me off on all those rude PM's.
As it stands, from talking to Jack, it was clear to me to get the truth out, and had posted Jacks first PM to me, I got banned for it, but I was right!
Jack got caught re-selling a "part-saw" as he was told it needed to be rebuilt,,,,,,,,,,
MS-310 said:
I bought a 660 last night its been beating very bad and needs lots of work. the comp. is about 125-130 lb is that good or bad I thought its ok but a little low. I was woundering if i should rebuild it and so on. I got it for 200 bucks (did i do ok)
After being told that it needed rebuilding, Jack tried to sell it a week latter,By misrepresenting it ,,,,,
MS-310 said:
Im going to try to sell my 660 mag on ebay, It is a very beat up saw but has very good comp. ,,,,,,
thanks Jack
And sell it again by misrepresentation here,,,,,,,
MS-310 said:
I have a 660 mag it is in rough looking cond. runs very well and has a little muffler mod on it.
Thanks alot
After a few members in good standing here offered to mediat, and Jack was offered the use of a service like Pay-Pal, And relinquishing every opportunity I had offered to return the saw to him, and secure payment.
Jack disavowed any means of securing payment of his own, as he clearly states here!
With an offer to ask his local Sheriffs dept. if they would serve as mediator, Jack opted to retain a Lawyer!
Jack, as far as making a cut with that saw, as you also said that the saw "
needs lots of work. " ,
before you were trying to sell it , that is!
I was very clear about all the problems this saw has!
I gave you your last chance to make it right!
Jack, I'm done with you here,,,,,,, unless you really want to see rude?