Bad Influence

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ArboristSite Guru
Jan 29, 2002
Reaction score
I think that maybe my time spent on this forum is going to get me into trouble, one way or another.

Friday, I was having trouble getting the bar mounted filing guide adjusted on my Shindaiwa. It was overcast outside, the wood spool I was working on was a bit too low, and I was getting nowhere fast. So, I put a couple papers down on the dining room table and with instructions in hand, tried to get it adjusted while comfortably sitting down...inside....where the warm fire was. Couldn't get it, but realized my kids were waiting at school to get picked up so I hightailed it out. My husband and I arrived home about the same time...he looked at the chainsaw sitting there and was....well....less than amused. Guess I'd had it all cleaned up before he got home the last times. ;)

Then yesterday...I took my folding saw to cut a small limb on a tree by my garden. As I'm about to cut, I remembered the threads about flush cutting, and how it was better to leave a bit too much rather than too little. I went a tiny bit outside the collar, did an under cut, cut the rest and hopefully it will heal just fine. I then noticed a couple more that were in need of removal. Took the kid's play slide and that got me up a few feet. Looked UP....saw more. Before you knew it I was about twenty feet up in that tree and wondering what it'd be like to be higher....thinking of those on this forum who do that all the time! I went in the house, asked my daughter if she saw her mom way up in that tree. She was less than impressed....said she's 'been twice that high.' BUT...I realized that at 48, that was the *first* time I've even attempted to climb a tree. I blame you all.

My wife and I share some of the "house duty", I get the nod to cook a lot (I got out of laundry duty by washing a linen table cloth with grubby work clothes LOL), but when I complain about some of her stuff littering the dining room when I'm serving the eats, she lights up with "maybe you better think about surrendering 1/2 of your workshop to me for a studio".

I figure it's best to let that one just rest.
So that's something you guys learn, huh? The stringy fiberglass covered jeans in the washing machine was his 'get out of laundry for the rest of my life' pass? :confused: Wish I'd known that before! Sure is effective.

The saw thing worked out...he took it outside...took alot longer than he was expecting, and still couldn't get the guide adjusted I didn't stay in the doghouse very long. AND........since I'd read the directions that came with this new one (I know, not a male thing to do...rule #11) I was able to describe what the extra little knob was for (never used it on the others here.)

go gettum che. but id get that youngun raised before i did much climbing.
kinda hard to pick up the grandkids later if u have a fall.:) if u do climb be sure an tie off girl. i didnt for a long time .
and sure nuff it finally happened. that was when i was young,an i got lucky an walked away.but it taught me ,
that sooner or later the unexpected will happen.guess it happens to the monkeys too.:)
Thanks Tony, yes....I have two kids who need their 'mom' for a while....but don't worry....the tree I was in was one of those easy 'climbing' trees, branches that almost hold you kids have been in it since they were about three.....When they were that age, I bought a large bottle of Avon 'skin so soft' just for the pine tar they'd get covered in. I've just never had the inclination before. Reading the posts here and looking at images makes you wonder though. It sure made pruning those limbs easy....I also saw some problems that weren't obvious from the ground...two of the limbs were restricting the growth of others. There's an old pair of spikes in the closet, but I think I'll be leaving them there. ;) Unfortunatley, you're also right.....20 year old bodies heal ALOT faster/easier than 40+ year old bodies. I've learned that the last few years the hard way. :(
