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Unfortunately it is once again apparent that glens hasn't figured out that we don't need a saviour to rescue us from bad nettiquette and correct our spelling and grammar. Too bad JPS isn't posting much any nore... he REALLY needs saving:)

I was originally thankful of his requests to resize pics, but then just got tired of his constant drone about file sizes and low speed connections etc... I PMed him asking him to take his requests directly to the the "offenders" so we all didn't have to be botherred hearing it over and over again, but he seems to think that we are all benfitting from his admonissions.

So I just ignored him and have been glad I did ever since... A great trade off for missing the tiny little bit of relevant information he shares so infrequently... It's a relief... I recommend you (ALL) try it...

Hey there yonng fella, 16 is a great age, dont rush'll learn heaps about trees here, keep posting in..

Personaly I am pleased you dident get hammered to death over your question...I took a gasp when i read it...

It was a great thread till murf had to wreak it....Go edit it out, ya " " did some editing myself!..Then ill take this off!...Nice imput on the o2o BTFW...

To stuffed to even look for a dictanary, much less use one, Hay mate, i was having some trouble with "phenmonable" or phenominal ? sort of sounds like fer-nom-an-nom-ul ...eailer could you help us out thanx! Ps I had to use "great rock collection" instead

The other (real) guys will tell some more good points im sure
For me I like em cause you can sit on them...nice and square..

Pss I dont think you'll find a freindlier,helpfull KNOWLADGEABLE lad then Glens, The Help and support he has awarded me is PHENNOMANALMal..( I think the problem is it sounds to much like the muppets theam...) And I am sure he would do the same for you!

Have a realy GREAT day over there guys, and remember "be carefull up there!"...Much love Derek..
Thanks Derek, I'm about to goto work in a hour, I got this 50 foot hickory and its driving me wild, I am trying to think of every way possible to hitch it out over this house, also I have never been 50 foot so thats gonna be something new for me, I'm sure I will be able to overcome it though. Anyways I will talk to you all after I get done with it, tell you all how it goes, but if u read this today, wish me luck!
Hey Florida16, HOW DID YA GO?.....Do you mind tellin us your first name? We have a habbit of either shortining, plurizing( adding an "S") or adding something in Austrailia...But we tend to keep thngs "informal"...

50 feet hey? not bad...dont let it worry you, trust in your gear, and dont freak yourself out thinking your real high..

On this power line (that just finisshed) over here, we hand some MONSTER trees...The odd "nervious" moment was countered by the thought that people have been higher...(like "wheres Andy", from a serrills catalog)..

That guy has been at 84 meters.....For me my 50 meters dont seem so tall (50m =165 feet)...the trees have been taller but i only had to go to 50m to cut it!....

I want details....Happy snaps would be cool to...

Here I am "feeling AWSOME"....Its only at about 35m, but if ya get a little stuck, pop this in your mind and keep going..

Good luck to you soon!..DEREK..
My name is Chad, It wasn't the height, I was fine with the height until I got the limbs off and the wind started blowing. Also they say "You are only as safe as your groundman" well today I worked for a friend to help him out and he sux on the ground...
Usually ya try to calm yourself, thinking:

"i just took 500# off of here, sitting out farther at a more leveraged pull than me; so this should hold me thru this wind; for it would have held all that, and the sail that it created."

Now, that is if ya didn't weaken anything shocking it, then strategically tying in to 2 or more sound supports. Thinking about staying alive, ain't no crime though!

Knowledge, Replaces Fear;
But Don't Lose Your Respect,
for the situation!

Or, something like that,
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Originally posted by Florida16
...and he sux on the ground...

Hahahaaa!!! Get used to it, Chad! It'll probably get worse before it gets better. Hey, since yur a climber now I guess yur one of them 'hanging Chads'.

Originally posted by murphy4trees
Unfortunately it is once again apparent that glens hasn't figured out that we don't need a saviour to rescue us from bad nettiquette and correct our spelling and grammar. Too bad JPS isn't posting much any nore... he REALLY needs saving:)

I was originally thankful of his requests to resize pics, but then just got tired of his constant drone about file sizes and low speed connections etc... I PMed him asking him to take his requests directly to the the "offenders" so we all didn't have to be botherred hearing it over and over again, but he seems to think that we are all benfitting from his admonissions.

So I just ignored him and have been glad I did ever since... A great trade off for missing the tiny little bit of relevant information he shares so infrequently... It's a relief... I recommend you (ALL) try it...

Daniel, you're an idiot and those are fightin' words.

Ya know what I really hate??? Flipping knives in the chipper. Yesterday we had to spend over an hour addressing this task. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. This has to be the ultimate piss me off task of being a tree guy. I could have just said "Screw it" and left them, but we flipped them suckers out any way. As a sub that shouldnt be my responsibility any way, but the Bandit was bogging down left and right because the knives were duller than a Mormon bachelor party. Good news is we knocked out $1,100 worth of work and was done by one o'clock.

The next worse thing that ticks me off is walking into a back yard that the home owner doesnt take the time to clean up after their dog. There is nothing like foot locking up into a tree without knowing that thier dog has left his claim on your boots and your rope.

Throw ball issues really tend to piss me off. Its not really the throw ball its self that tends to get me livid. Usually its the throw line. I am convinced that there are little Gremlins out there that tangle and wreck havock with throw lines. The Gremlin I hate the worst is the short shot Gremlin. Thats the one that when you launch a line and its going perfecly for your desired crotch, (on the first throw) but it doinks short because either you were standing on the throw line, or it gets tangled in weeds or tall grass. Or the ricochet Gremlin. Thats the one where you launch a throw ball and it hits 2 inches to the left or right of your desired crotch and gets kicked back to ya on the ground. The rats nest Gremlin is a real SOB. Thats where you hit your crotch first shot and then the leaves and grass cause a gigantic rats nest in the throw line. You could try to pull it out but it will just cause numerous tight lil knots in your Zing-It.

Dont ask me and Justin how many hours we spent trying to set a line. Just for the record, using a bow and arrow is really a pretty slick way to set a line.


:Monkey: :Monkey: :Monkey:
Originally posted by MasterBlaster
Hahahaaa!!! Get used to it, Chad! It'll probably get worse before it gets better. Hey, since yur a climber now I guess yur one of them 'hanging Chads'.


You crewl (but funny)man....Now I wasent going anywhere near there...Sure we do funny things names downunder but theres not much I can to to Chad!

Chad is fine for me! Anyway there young whipper snipper
(normaly known as "whippersnapper") A great Ozzy saying,

Very nearly fell off my chair again!!

"You are only as safe as your groundman"

Huh hmmm..ABSOLUTLY NEVER rely on anyone eles compleatly when your in a tree...You are in charge up there..ITS YOUR LIFE

This will proberly get me some flack for saying it but...

I dont want a GROUNDIE I want a climber who is having a break from tree work and is now on the ground...If he hasent been in a tree before, doesent know to look out for certian things, 1 example; did he take an extra wrap around the tree and you have a flipline on the wrong side of it ? Chit a hundred Groundie stuffups come to mind, having had guys who never stood on a 44 gallon drum before.....I DONT WANT HIM THERE!

I beleive im an exelent "groundie" when Jeff was in a tree...
(please come back Jeff)

I would watch him like a hawk, we would talk through a lot of stuff..
We dident muck around with 330Kv..."put a rope on it".."cut it this way" He had the final say..

Then its my turn. And God it makes a huge dirrerence..Youll see..

I have some shots, like 6 in a row, of me having to check that there where no eagles in this certian tree (part of my E3 licence)

In every shot the groundie, certainly wasent Jeff ,(PLEASE come back Jeff!) is playing games on his phone, no biggie realy, proberly need binoculars to see me anyway, but the point is you realy need to trust someone that is on the ground...

Same guy was responsibile for not clearing my ropes and i got attacked by BULLANTS at 25m and couldent get down!!

He then dragged branches for the rest of the line!! Hows the bc1000 going Dave? ( I know they lurk here)..

Once its checked I can leave it like the one on the left..
(look for the orange pole strap)

Oh and what Treespyder said!.........

Nice to meet you Chad!...Regards Derek..
Originally posted by netree
Awww...where's the love, man?
It's hard to love someone who jumps in blathering about something when they don't even know what it was that happened.  Bolstered by their tendency to act like the high priest of whatever.  What you (all?) don't know is that he did in fact open a dialogue with me via email but he disappeared off the face of the earth after he'd had his say.  Rather hard to have a dialogue with someone who says something to you then sticks their head in the sand.

I'm sure Daniel's a nice guy, but if he's trying to show me how that's so, well, I'm sick and tired of it.

Howd ya go with the tree fl16? (Chad)

now dont go starting to call him "hanger" now will ya?

" Daniel, you're an idiot and those are fightin' words"FOTLMFAO.

Kenn have you thought of those "golden retrivers" auto line thingys? puts the line in a big loosely..

From my days on boats, I was ammazed to see how well tangelled lines could be "undone" by trailing it in the water, sometimes many hours, but it worked well..

If you have accsess to a large lake(freashwater) and a speedboat, trail the line out for a while..

I dont have a boat so every so often I used to go to Pindari dam
with a six pack of VB's And ask someone to drag my 165 foot climbing around for a while.. When you drink all six, come back!

BTW 4 stubbies for a 30m line and 8 for the 200 ft, but you gotta be carefull he doesent chop it to peices after 8!..

A laser sighted cross bow and a reel sound better...Derek..