Bamboo? Will It Burn?

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We have a patch of perennial bamboo in our yard (michigan zone 5) that we cut down and save for tomato stakes ect. This year I made up some firestarter bundles out of it that I swear worked better than kerosine!! It is great for getting your fires started but it burns hot and fast the stuff we have is all small diameter so maybe thats why it would be worth messing around with! Post your results if you do. thanks
Gilligan? Skipper? Mary Ann? Ginger stop that this is a family oriented site.
Same as almost anything else. Burns just fine dry.
We have a patch of perennial bamboo in our yard (michigan zone 5) that we cut down and save for tomato stakes ect.

If this is the kind of bamboo I'm thinking of - a onetime ornamental that has jumped the garden fence to become a full-blown invasive - I'd be careful about putting stalks of it around since it's very prolific and can spread as quickly as oriental bittersweet and is even tougher to kill.

If it's a different species, just disregard. You'll see from my avatar I got no rep.:buttkick: :)
IT GROWS ALL OVER HERE it is a weed however if i can burn it people always want it cleared out as it gets thick
If this is the kind of bamboo I'm thinking of - a onetime ornamental that has jumped the garden fence to become a full-blown invasive - I'd be careful about putting stalks of it around since it's very prolific and can spread as quickly as oriental bittersweet and is even tougher to kill.

If it's a different species, just disregard. You'll see from my avatar I got no rep.:buttkick: :)
The kind we have here will take over, It's a constant headache keeping it from spreading. It will mow over easy when it's just coming up, But don't let it get big.
The kind we have here will take over, It's a constant headache keeping it from spreading. It will mow over easy when it's just coming up, But don't let it get big.

Sounds like the same stuff - at least you and I stihl.

The stuff is the :spam: of the plant kingdom. If it can be burnt, at least there's one use for the :censored: stuff.

The stuff's like potatoe chips in that you can't have just one. I knew someone who liked the look of the stuff and purpousefully planted the stuff and it multiplied like bunnies. Now he can't get rid of it.:cry:

OK, too much fun playing with smiley icons. Off I go...:clap:
hey...can you guys post some pictures of this bamboo stuff?

would it grow up here in new york?
I'll see if i can get a pic for ya. Can't imagine that stuff not growing anywhere. If you get it going it WILL Take over.


i might be interested in planting some of it out back in the woods for a natural barrier.

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