re; bamboo
Ah, bamboo! I have a passion for the stuff! Yes, there are many varieties that will survive the winters there in Western Pa. I would not go with a clumper as they are more oft a tropical plant. there are over a thousand vatieties. If you go with a runner you'll need to install a barrier or it will go nuts. If, however, you have a large property and you want the screen somewhere in the middle of it you can actually just mow. If you choose that route you have to be sure to mow a good twenty foot circumference from said grove. thirty feet would be better. A road will act as a barrier as will water. I use phyllostachis decora for my own screen as phyllostachis varieties tend to run shallow and I planted in raised beds. This way I didn't have to build the beds three feet high. Of course, here in Vegas all you have to do is not water and NOTHING will spread, but better safe than sorry. There are several good sites you can check - just do a search. Good luck!