Going with the Vermeer.:msp_thumbsup:
Dealer came down with a brand new machine, gave it to me for the week. Used it as much as possible and no matter what I threw at it, it kept going strong. Tier4i Cummins 74 hp. engine and it ran away from the Morbark demo that came down with its tier3 84 hp perkins. For those that have down played the Vermeer for whatever reasons, try one out. The 1000xl has a lot of changes and upgrades from older models. Engine enclosure is all metal, no more fiberglass, exterior air filter with dust bowl, changed variable speed feed wheel to a 3 position switch for the auto feed to work, no more thinking, safety bars that are NOT a big hassle, everything is accessable for maintainence, quiet, lightweight and nothing stopped it. Bulky brush, vines, 12" live pine, 12" willow, kept on going.
Dealer is adding a couple of changes to the machine and came down in price to match the lower price offered on the morbark. No going to try the bandit. Never heard from the rep after he sent me a price so why try? Financing went through Vermeers contact and it should be all mine end of next week.:msp_thumbup: