Yes you did, in practice but not on paper. I can prove you knew it. Does a one inch wedge move a small diameter tree more or less than a larger diameter tree? What does your experience tell you?
Good stuff Marshy.
BC Fallers have a little about it with a diagram example. I believe it was based on 100 ft tree on a 5° lift. Which would be the thickness of a 10" k&h I do believe. They are pretty sleek wedges, under an 1"
I remember it said it would move 5ft.
My reaction was the same "what's diameter get to do with it" I'm pretty sure it wasn’t mentioned.
You are right, I had to think about it.
It's actually the distance from the lift to the hinge. *EDIT* I see you have that on your diagram.
We were getting too much into trigonometry, when we probably could have stayed with geometry.
Was not disagreeing with your math, but urging caution at generalizing that 'a 1" wedge with tilt a crown X degrees'.
I'm not sure why you would say that. I supose it was based on my post above I pulled forward. The post you quoted in its full form is very factual clear and thorough and covers even more and sums it up in one paragraph. Thats the laws of wedging 101 in its entirety or not?Unfortunately you chopped that part.
Marshy brings up a really good point in his reply to John in his above post that I brought forward. It certainly shed some light on it for me in regards to prehaps not reconizing something on paper to be wrong (in this case if memory serves me right) This is in regards to my post above and my initial thoughts when Marshy asked for Diameter of the tree in the equation. It was about an example BC Forest Saftey Council (BCFSC)
Have somewhere in their literature and maybe I have read it a few times in the last 12 yrs since certifications came in.
I'm quoting that and am going on memory. It's not my math and I believe it to be a very vague example when I wrote the post. I BELIEVE their example TO BE WEAK and I don't agree with it. It has been well documented in my posts. It's not something I would have thought about had Marshy not asked for the diameter.
As soon as he asked for diameter I knew it was based on the wedging point to the hinge. Trig, Geometry, physics?
How do we learn? I'm physical, verbal (through reading only) and solitaire) I am not a social, logical, visual or aural learner therefore diagrams don't work for me anyway. I wonder what % of people it's effective on? or is it a lot move beneficial to write the laws in one paragraph much like I did?
It would be interesting to do a poll on here? Have you ever done anything on here or anywhere considering you do teach/mentor?
In order to excel in the job I have had to learn how to highten my sense of feel like someone visually impaired. It's a lot less visual than you would ever think in most cases. I learn through physics. The application of force and the energy expelled. Ultimately, I learnt through 'pain'. There are those that teach and those that do,
I'm a practitioner, my teaching is true finders not logic, its not written on the lines, it lives between the lines. I may not see right and wong on paper, I feel right and wrong therefore I know right and wrong.