Lucky man, in some ways. Except for the astigmatism, my eyes are more than good for an airline pilot (tap tap...), but astigmatism makes a helluva mess. My lenses would cost about 500 bucks a set, wearable for 1 year. Lost one? OK, here we go waiting time 2-3 months, whole price again, plus all the trouble if a reposition happens. Plus, when sawing or so, I prefer specs all the way-if you get hit in the eye as "oh, $/it", blink several times and it is OK or so-so, that´s where the contact lens would shield you completely most of the time. But with a "holy c#ap, I might have to visit a doc" kind of mess in the eye and ten minutes teary blinking and trying to wash your eye in the stream, with contact lens outta positin, maybe some mess under it-never ever again. You need someone with clean hands and knowledge how to remove other person´s lenses. Alone in 500yds in the brush? No, thx.
Btw, a good smack can reposition the contact lens on its own. Have seen a guy experiencing this (not in the woods) and albeit he was OK after week worth of rest, it was not pretty when he needed to run away a bit and was so desoriented he was about as fast as Sleeping Beauty taking a nap. Hadn´t we been shouting on him luckily from the right direction to run to, so he could get the direction by ear, it could have been ugly. If you loose specs, you are without them-and you know how is it. But a repositioned lens, which can feel like a running powerplane in your eye is just a mess.
Titanite or how are called all those steel alloys with very high titanium content are also very good, some of them maybe better than the titanium itself-often there is more material, it is harder-ie. holds shape better, under bigger smack. And having safety plastic lenses, or usual Triplex or other safety mineral glass lenses ground into them is not that expensive nowdays. I checked and my frames are not pure titanium, but such an alloy with some crazy high titanium content.