provide the thread starter, the costs associated with becoming a CA, he did mention it will give him a $2hr raise give him some numbers so he can see if it will be worth it!!...
I think this has to be taken into account to see if its worth it financially, unless.... you just want the cert.....
Great idea; a cost/benefit analysis.
Test for nonmember $225
study guide (if needed) $75?
total $300 to be CA. maybe travel etc to take test maybe not.
Raise $2/hour x 2000 hours/year (40 hrs/wk x 50 wks/yr)= $4000/year, x3= $12,000 gained on the $300 investment.
Recert fee $200 nonmember every 3 years = $66.67 to get $4,000/year, or more, if the CA employee convinces his/her boss.
+ 30 CEU's. These are free at online seminars for anyone. Also in-house training for safety etc., and sharing your knowledge by writing (not on web forums

"How many ways are there to obtain Continuing Education Units (CEUs)?
* ISA Publications
* ISA Arborist News Quiz
* Arboriculture & the Law/Workbook (3.00 CEUs)
* The Landscape Below Ground/Workbook (4.00 CEUs)
* Arborist Equipment/Workbook (10.00 CEUs)
* Plant Health Care for Woody Ornamentals/Workbook (3.00 CEUs)
* Principals & Practices of Planting Trees and Shrubs/Workbook (4.00 CEUs)
* Trees and Development/Workbook (4.00 CEUs)
* Photo Guide of Hazard Trees/Workbook (2.00 CEUs)
* Compendium Set (58.5 CEUs for complete set of seven categories)
o Tree Biology (8.5 CEUs)
o Plant Health Care (7.5 CEUs)
o Safe Work Practices (8 CEUs)
o Tree Maintenance (7.5 CEUs)
o Trees and Their Environment (8.5 CEUs)
o Tree Selection and Planting (9.5 CEUs)
o Tree Diagnosis and Treatment (9 CEUs)
* Asian Longhorn Beetle CD/Workbook (2.5 CEUs)
* The Art & Science of Practical Rigging Book (8 CEUs)
* Written and published articles (3.00 CEUs)
* First Aid or CPR class (4.00 CEUs each, given once per certification period)
CEUs for quizzes from Arborist News and other ISA publications can be earned only once per issue or edition during the life of your certification.
ISA Videos
* Art & Science of Practical Rigging (8.00 CEUs)
* Basic Training for Tree Climbers Series/Workbook (5.00 CEUs)
* Training Young Trees for Structure and Form/Workbook (1.50 CEUs)
* ArborMaster Training I and II Videos/Workbook & Tests (1.00 CEU)
o Series I Climbing Techniques (1.00 CEU)
o Series II Innovating in Climbing Equipment (1.00 CEU)
o Series II Rigging Knots, Rope Slings, and Eye Splices Workbook (1.00 CEU)
Computer Based Training
* Introduction to Arboriculture CD Series
o Tree Biology CD-Rom (4 CEUs)
o Tree Worker Safety CD-Rom (6 CEUs)
Most seminars are pre-approved through your local chapter. If you would like to know if an upcoming seminar has been pre-approved for credit, you can contact your local chapter. If you are a member of your local chapter you should get a newsletter that informs you of upcoming seminars. You should also check the Arborist News Industry Calendar and the ISA web site.
In-House Training
A lot of companies offer in-house training. Anything educational pertaining to tree care gets CEUs! This includes safety meetings, training, CPR/1st aid, chainsaw safety, etc.
College Courses
College courses are now worth 10 CEU's per credit hour. In the past, college courses were worth 10 CEUs per course and 15 CEUs with a lab. For example, a 3-hour college course is now worth 30 CEUs that was previously worth 10 CEUs. As always, college course work must be an academically accredited 2-year or 4-year institution.
If there is anything not mentioned above that you feel should be worth CEUs please send a letter with the agenda or course outline along with a post-approval form to the ISA office. We will be happy to look it over for you. If it is granted CEUs then it will show on your next CEU update. If it does not meet the criteria (stated below), we will send the information back to you with a letter of explanation. CEU updates are sent twice a year.
The criteria for approving CEUs is as follows. Anything educational pertaining to tree care in the following twelve domains:
# Soil Management
# Pruning
# ID/Selection
# Diagnosis & Treatment
# Installation & Establishment
# Urban Forestry
# Safe Work Practices
# Tree Protection
# Tree Biology
# Tree Risk Management
If you have any questions concerning CEUs, you may email us at [email protected] or you may call (217) 355-9411.