I passed my Certification in May of 2003,after the 3rd try.
It Took 2 years and a lot of seminars and money.
I have not actively worked on or in trees like many of you
therefore I had no knowledge of Cableing and Braceing,
Tree climbing,Lightning Protection,Knots,or hazards.
I am a Horticulturist and Landscape Contractor so the Biology,
Pruning,Planting,Nutrition & Fertilization,were my strong points.
The first time I took the test I looked at slides
The second time I looked at slides
I spent 250.00 to go to a 3 day class to prepare for the test
The notebook they relied on was what we studied for the test
That is what I studied and failed with.
The third time I studied the manual and the meaning of the terms,only. I traveled 150 miles to do 6 questions on trees, people & ecology. (I passed the test that time)
That chapter is not in the certification book it is practical knowledge.
All of the rest of the test is in the manual, look at all the other sources you want but don't disregaurd the manual.
I now have 39 credits,and I keep going to the classes.
There is just a lot of information out there.