Rygel, Do you guys work under assurance of no reclose protections (a.n.r.p.), maybe you know it as single shot? Here when guys are working on a circuit, that circuit is switched to single shot, so after one line fault is detected it shuts down right away. We have documented meetings every morning (mandatory) even the flag girl is in on it, names, date, circuit# power co. guys name # and so on. Tophopper, every utility man in this province climbs with spurs, they advance or not based on other reasons. I have no problem with it, why not rattle someones cage at B.C. Hydro? Many I.S.A. certified vegetation supervisors work there, not one of them has ever said anything to me about spurs, or topping trees. They are a big outfit that takes great pains to be p.c., they are easy to get to on the net, ask them, I am sure you could get a better answer than I can give. Tree Machine, electricity takes ALL paths to ground, if something goes towards the line, cut it off, get rid of it. Treeblitz, iv'e put out the power as well, b.f.d., like the hydro guy told me, as long as everyone is o.k.. Treeseer, I am a bad actor, a bad man and a terrible hack with an appalling attitude but I kept my boss happy, B.C. Hydro happy and most important I got the clearance and cut down the garbage. Cheers.