I would be making assumptions as well, but I'll humor you. the typical homeowner/box store enthusiasts doesn't know a dealer exists, and by the time the saw or other power equipment doesn't run. (Assuming it's not a d.o.a. then they return it.) They throw it in the trash, toss it by the curb, or sell it. Occasionally they bring their stuff to a dealer, which frequently they got told to buy new as it's not worth fixing. My personal favorite is sell it, yard sale, marketplace, evilbay.
The real funny part around here is you can't move without tripping into a "dealer" of some sort. 99% of them are no better then the box store. About 1/2% of the remaining dealers won't touch box store equipment, because of the bad attitude that it wasn't bought at their store. I don't bother with them unless it's absolutely nessisary. You signed a dealer agreement, doesn't matter if you sold it or not. Same as any vehicle dealer.
The other 1/2% will help you out. In my area there used to be 3 dealers like that, but it's pretty much down to 1 now and they murged with one of the other decent dealers. Unfortunately for me, they are over am hour drive. I give them and send them as much business as I can. Apparently they understood what a dealer agreement means and actually want customers to come to them in the future vs going to a box store.