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ArboristSite Lurker
AS Supporting Member
Jun 2, 2024
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What is the best cleaning agent to use while switching between trees? Today we had a customer ask us if we could sanitize our chainsaws from tree to tree. We’ve been in business over 20 years and this is the first time we’ve been asked this to do on site per tree there’s about 20 trees on the property. I’m a little Mindblown. Help please.Lol
Or what is everybody’s thoughts on this?
Welcome to AS.
Ask the customer, obviously they know what you're supposed to be doing.

@pioneerguy600 could we get this moved a different forum, maybe someone will have a better answer than mine :).
Not sure where this fits in but definitely not in the trading post. Moved to nursery and plant health.
What is the best cleaning agent to use while switching between trees? Today we had a customer ask us if we could sanitize our chainsaws from tree to tree. We’ve been in business over 20 years and this is the first time we’ve been asked this to do on site per tree there’s about 20 trees on the property. I’m a little Mindblown. Help please.Lol
Or what is everybody’s thoughts on this?
I have had that request a couple of times. Alcohol .
This is a new one on me, what or how would one sanitize a saw? I mean it is oily all over the bar and most of the powerhead if used at all. Should every part be cleaned individually/ If the trees are being cut completely down what would it matter if the saws were not cleaned between trees? Is this something that needs to be done or just some customers that are mis informed about tree removal? Again ,this something I have not encountered in 59 years of tree removal.
This is a new one on me, what or how would one sanitize a saw? I mean it is oily all over the bar and most of the powerhead if used at all. Should every part be cleaned individually/ If the trees are being cut completely down what would it matter if the saws were not cleaned between trees? Is this something that needs to be done or just some customers that are mis informed about tree removal? Again ,this something I have not encountered in 59 years of tree removal.
Mainly the bar and chain either dip in a tray of Alcohol or spray, diseases can be spread when cutting into the wood. It is for real nice specimen trees that are being trimmed. This isn't something that really needs to be done unless you are cutting sick or dead ones, then cutting healthy trees.
surely alcohol as a volatile liquid might just evaporate off a warm saw? Why not use disinfectant - its what gets used on fishing gear between rivers where there have been infections.
Welcome to AS.
Ask the customer, obviously they know what you're supposed to be doing.

@pioneerguy600 could we get this moved a different forum, maybe someone will have a better answer than mine :).
Newbie here!! lol thank you for the warm welcome! I wasn’t sure where to put this…any thoughts where it should’ve been put? Thank you
Thank you for moving it for me, is there anyway I can update it once I figure this app out?
Not sure what you mean about updating, you can post to this thread any time you like,even years from now. On this site there are many forums available for many varied subjects, just left click on Forums , far left at the top of the main page and it will open a window with many choices, scroll down to see them all. If you need any more answers or assistance just post in this thread and myself or other site members will help you.
Mainly the bar and chain either dip in a tray of Alcohol or spray, diseases can be spread when cutting into the wood. It is for real nice specimen trees that are being trimmed. This isn't something that really needs to be done unless you are cutting sick or dead ones, then cutting healthy trees.
I could see it for tree trimmng but not really necessary for complete tree removal if all the trees are being cut down and removed from site.
I pop the bar cover off and spray the whole area with brake cleaner then spray the bar and chain when I get asked for this. Takes less than 5 minutes while I refuel and drink some water between trees.
Blow off the powerhead with compressed air. Soak the bar and chain in 91% isopropyl alcohol. I am dealing with a fungal infection in a tree and this is the recommendation I took from a university website.
Blow off the powerhead with compressed air. Soak the bar and chain in 91% isopropyl alcohol. I am dealing with a fungal infection in a tree and this is the recommendation I took from a university website.
After the next tree, can you use the same solution/bucket of isopropyl alcohol that was previously used or is it now contaminated and you need to use a fresh bottle?
After the next tree, can you use the same solution/bucket of isopropyl alcohol that was previously used or is it now contaminated and you need to use a fresh bottle?
Its pretty cheap at most drug stores. What I do is buy the empty spray bottles in the cleaning section and screw the pump right on to the isopropyl bottle and just hose everything down. It evaporates fast. Its also very flammable so don't use it on a hot powerhead. Its also the best thing I have found for removing pitch.
Not sure what you mean about updating, you can post to this thread any time you like,even years from now. On this site there are many forums available for many varied subjects, just left click on Forums , far left at the top of the main page and it will open a window with many choices, scroll down to see them all. If you need any more answers or assistance just post in this thread and myself or other site members will help you.
Thank you so much!!!! Will do!