Best come-a-long or other pulling device for solo work?

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roahboah said:
Mike, a quick question -
what method do you use to get the throw bag to the high point in the tree? Do you use a sling as well, or just throw it yourself?

Mostly I just throw it by swinging it underhand pinching the line with about a foot or two of string and giving it a good toss.
I also have a Big Shot for the hard shots, Or those days I can't seem to hit my targets by hand.:dizzy:
Sherrill sells all the neat stuff.
There are usually a number of Lug-All come-a-longs on eBay. I have two that are the mid-sized chassis, and all the parts are still available. Can't even guess how many trees I've pulled over with them.
We typically use a bigshot to get a rope set (or climber may set ropes if we have to be in the tree first). We then will use portable ground anchors/anything solid in the direction of the fall to attatch a rope puller to and pretension the line. From there we use a good hinge and wedges, the rope(s) is only used to guide the tree. The rope puller is far better than any come-a-long that we have found, you get a continueous pull, no running out of cable.
What about using a rope-along?

Buy a rope-along for about $60 and what ever lenth 1/2" rope you want .I use about 85' to be sure that i have plenty of rope.You can keep cranking until you run out of rope.
roahboah said:
This is my first full year felling/cutting/splitting my own since I was a kid, and even then, we just bought wood. I'm happy to be getting back into it and am already laying up next year's wood, which is great! Here's my question:

I'm beginning to see the necessity of a come-a-long or some other method of exerting leverage to get trees to fall where I want them. It hasn't been a big issue as of yet, but I'm beginning to work in an area on my property where things are a little more congested and I really want to avoid getting larger trees hung, etc. There's just me and the missus, so I work solo whether I want to or not.
I've never worked with pulling devices of any sort, so forgive my lack of recognition of technical terms that most of you use daily. What I'm looking for is what method you use today, if you'd recommend it, and if not, what method you might recommend for someone who's going to learn on the job!
I appreciate any info in advance, and thanks!
when working solo its best 2 use 20ton excavator:hmm3grin2orange: but if not call a buddy. rope a long works great sledge n wedge works great the direction of fall is all in the notch. toung n groove works great. rip cut works great use caution use common cent$ bring a buddy have extra underwear n give em hell and dont:notrolls2:
Thanks, everybody, for your replies and assistance! I've got a friend coming over tomorrow with his come-a-long and other gear, so I'm gonna see how it works, etc.
I use a very large screw-in anchor (2' long) It is actually a ground anchor for a BIG dog's chain. It's probably not the best thing, but it works and cost around $20 at TSC. I would prefer to tie into another tree, or even the truck. I don't totally trust the anchors yet, but they have done the job when there is no other option.