What I was trying to post earlier when I was AHEM ed, was that I use
the impact every time with no problems, but for someone new to it, do the
rope method.
I use my impact, because I work on these for a living, and hate wasting
time. I would rather waste it here. I was incorporating some of Glen's
gibberish just for fun, but uncle Festus thought I was being dirty.
Some people act like we are working on the space shuttle, and get
kind of carried away with silly issues.
I insist on using the impact when pulling head bolts on engines and the
like, break a lot less bolts that way.
I worked at a Sylvania plant as a temp once, and the line went down.
They sent all the temps home but me, and all of their mechanics were
in a huddle around a locked up spindle, trying to figure how to remove the
bolt that held a gear on. I asked the 4 of them if any of them had an
impact wrench, they just looked at me as if I were an idiot. I asked to
borrow the ratchet they were using, and also asked the owner if I could
rap on it a little. 2 light smacks and the bolt came loose, I smiled and went
back to my sweeping. They wouldn't hire me because I didn't have a
machinist degree.
Or maybe it was because I am a donkeyhole.