Big Shot (fingers crossed)

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Originally posted by TreeCo
I think 90% of the time the string holding the quick release would end up on the bottom 4' section.

That's what I have found. I slide the snap shackle up to the top of the bottom four footer and haul back on the slinghot just far enough to snap it in. This is fairly easy to do. From there I can adjust.

Like treeman82, I have found that those four foot sections can come in handy for other uses occasionally.
Envisioning it in my mind, I foresee a prusik one each 4' section. The snap with be able to be easily switched from the top prusik to the bottom prusik by connecting it with a girth hitch. The bottom prusik will be longer, allowing adjustment/setting to any length allong the ferrules.

Oh, yeah. I'm liking this!

Originally posted by rumination
Like treeman82, I have found that those four foot sections can come in handy for other uses occasionally.

The best part is I ordered the 6' polesaw, also. With my BS sections, I have a 14' polesaw now. I never use the other guys dull polesaws anymore.
I use a homemade Bigshot that I made about 5-6 yrs. ago. I use it with a pole that I made from closet poles that I got at Home Depot. The pole is 8 ft. long.

As far as the quick release, I got one at West Marine for about $10. I have used it only a few times.

I just place my thumb over the pole as I pull down on the BS. I steady it and then release with just my finger tips. This works best for me.
My setup goes as follows: shorter shots, that's less than 100 feet for me, I just hand release. Long shots I use the snap release. I have the two 4 footers, and have the prusik on the lower section, which is definitely where you have to be for long shots, and any shot over about 60 feet, too.

If I use throw line and a 14 oz. bag I can reach 100 feet, beyond that I go to 20 lb. monofilament on a fishing reel and a 10 oz. bag...that will give me something a little over 150 feet...but not 200 feet. To do that, I use a 4 foot and a 8 foot pole and set up a 2:1 pulley arrangement to pull the pouch down and clip the snap in 8 or 9 feet from the head...and not very often. The whole thing feels sort of scary with that much tension...:eek:
Maybe I'm a tard too. Has anyone had the throw bag not come out of the sling and then on the rebound it comes out and hit you? I had it come back and nail me in the shoulder. I was on the ground rolling with pain.