Good thread, it's about time. If you do a search on the site for veggie oil you'll find quite a bit. I have used nothing but veggie in my saws, with great results. I like it, my saws like it, and my clothes like it. As an aside, I especially like it for milling duty, as it does not stain the wood. It also quells the fire in my environmentally-sensitive wife, who otherwise objects to smelly, noisy things like chainsaws... don't discount the annoyed wife factor!!
Very good thoughts on biofuel. I will add, though, that to convert everything to biofuel would require twice the arable land we now use... that's a biggie, eh? Nonetheless, these idea and many others are excellent ones. I JUST read an article that indicated that the sale of large SUVs are down. Lets face it, gents, our problem is NOT that we don't have good ideas.. we have some really viable option here. THE problem is that we are in the pockets of people who make our decisions for us and that, even though we as individuals can be very smart, collectively, we have the memory of a grapefruit. Large SUVs? Such large vehicles should have gone away in the 1970s when everything was as obvious then as it is today. We have been railroaded into thinking that we can, should, and must be driving big, powerful, gas guzzling vehicles and it ticks me off that we (the collective we) have been so foolish to buy it all, hook, line, and sinker.
The challenge for us, dear friends, is not one of ideas, it is of committment, consistency, and PERSONAL action. Ask yourself why many people DON'T recycle and yet are still convinced that they are model americans. I'm sure I've just insulted many people with this statement, but I don't mean to. My point is, it is not enough to CARE, we must also DO. Oh, and if you're not recycling, how come? Maybe there's a few other things you can do, too, like park that enormous truck until you actually need a truck.
Thanks, guys, sorry about the moralizing.