I'm also considering the possibility of making modifications to my boiler to just use the WVO rather than processing it into biodiesel.
Here are some links from journeytoforever.org which seems to be a great resource. The last link sent me to a yahoo group which is focused on boiler modifications for using WVO.
Oil-fired furnaces:
Frequently Asked Question: "Can I burn bio-diesel in my furnace? I now burn standard fossil fuel oil."
Answer: Yes you can, but it depends on the furnace. Some need some adaptation, others don't. Whichever, it must be washed biodiesel -- the methanol in unwashed biodiesel will rot the rubber parts.
Biodiesel Heating, by Carol E. Moné, Homepower Magazine, Issue 97, October/November, 2003, p40-44 -- Switching a 30-year-old oil-fired furnace to biodiesel for domestic space heating. From Homepower Magazine (purchase issue online):
Biodiesel Blends in Space Heating Equipment, by C.R. Krishna, Brookhaven National Laboratory, sponsored by the US Department of Energy, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), December 2001 -- An evaluation of the performance of blends of biodiesel and home heating oil in space heating applications. 32-page Acrobat file, 676kb
Low Cost Bioheating Oil Application, by C.R. Krishna, Brookhaven National Laboratory, 2003 (US DOE Contract). Describes combustion tests with soy biodiesel blends in a residential boiler and a commercial boiler. 24 pages, Acrobat file 1.3Mb
Combustion Testing of a Bio-diesel Fuel Oil Blend in Residential Oil Burning Equipment, John E. Batey, PE, Energy Research Center, Inc., 2003, for Massachusetts Oilheat Council & National Oilheat Research Alliance -- 59 pages, Acrobat file 176kb
Riello Burners and Bio-fuel -- Synthesis of the experiences with the bio-fuel -- Report on using biodiesel from the Burner Division at Riello's Combustion Research Centre in Italy (with thanks to Damian Dolan)
28kb Acrobat file.
Biodiesel Home Heating Experiences, by Myles Twete -- Burning 100% biodiesel fuel made from used vegetable oil in a residential oil-fired furnace.
Alternative fuels furnace forum -- altfuelfurnace
Alternative fuels, like SVO (straight vegetable oil, waste vegetable oil), waste motor oil and biodiesel are being successfully burned in adapted residential oil-fired furnace burners such as Arco, R.W. Beckett, Carlin, Ducane, Esso, International, Riello, Slant Finn and Wayne. The forum is a meeting place to exchange information and ideas in adapting residential oil burners that use HHO (home heating oil) to these alternative fuels.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/altfuelfurnace/Subscribe: [email protected]