Bit the bullet on the 200t

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i have heard of muffler screws coming loose.

Started with a top handled McCullah? Then 335s, the pair or 338XPTs have not been up to par lately so, went out and bought a 200T yesterday. 620 bucks plus tax, OUCH. Seems like 8 or 9 out of 10 posting on AS have been ranting about them so figured "they can't all be wrong". Just a little cutting in the log pile so far, to soon to tell. Balance seems less nose heavy than 338. Easier on the wrist? Tomorrow will limb up and chunk down a 65/70 foot white pine to start the day, and then on to some locust limbing. Anything I should be aware of like certain screws that like to loosen up or whatever? 200T feels lighter with 16 inch bar than 338 with a 14. I think I will like. . .

a little blue locktight might do the trick.i think with the heat in that area i'd try a lock or star lock washer instead.

listen to everyone about the muffler screen and richening it up a makes a "night and day" difference.
a little blue locktight might do the trick.i think with the heat in that area i'd try a lock or star lock washer instead.

listen to everyone about the muffler screen and richening it up a makes a "night and day" difference.

Thanks for the scoop. Put a couple tanks of gas through it today and like the feel but no power out of the hole. Once reved up power was just ok. Not sure how to go about the screen removal and baffle removal, but will figure out and then richen? Not impressed at this point.
If it walks like a duck . . .

oh randy randy randy......randy.

you are talking about the prom queen here. although there is always one guy who thinks she isnt pretty.

randy......nothing you have used, tophandle wise, can do what a properly running 2hunnert can do. nothing.

look at the muffler on you saw. see that little screw? the one holding a little flap of metal? take that screw out, use you screw driver to pull what you just unscrewed. it kinda looks like a peapod with a screen wedged into it. well take that thing out and put it in your miscellanious toolbox and then forget that **** you are talking about this saw. (you now have to richen the Hscrew to compensate)

that is all you have to do to this saw.

if still have beef with the saw let me know. i'll buy it off ya. tomw.
oh randy randy randy......randy.

you are talking about the prom queen here. .

Like I said earlier, how could soooo many be wrong. Surely, once I do the muff. mod and richen H screw (that's counterclockwise right?) I will see the beauty in this prom queen that you all do and by July will have another as backup.

Thanks again
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to each their own of course. but......if i had both the 192 and the 2hunge. that 192 would only be used if the 2hunge fell out of the tree and blew apart.

regardless what the wood in the tree looks like.

that happened to me a few weeks ago,,,usually have 2 200's on the truck.... out of the 8 we have,, 3 were in the shop for repair... saws were thin that week... only had one on my truck that day..

limb took the saw with it,,,still dancing on the ground running,,, came down,, my guy went over to go give it back to me,, starts laughing,,, handles destroyed....

he had a 192 on his truck,, that one of the climbers had to have,,, conned the boss into buying it for him.. after a week it sat in the was the only other small saw we had on the job,, he gave it to me...after a few cuts,, i gave it on the phone,, and had one of the guys run me over another 200...

we run 14's on the 200's,,,as far as im concened,, i'd use a sharp hand saw before i used a 192 again.... JMHO
I'd agree....but I've never run a stock 192T. Mine is fully woods modded, and is a nice little ripper. Still use the Husky climb saws and 200t for removals, usually. Love the 192 weight.
I finally got my hands on a 200t the other day and loved it. Went back a couple days later and got it, because the price was going up. Now, I have two climbing saws. The extra reach and power are awesome, definitely the removal saw. I will probably still use the 192t on the lighter trim work, it has the weight advantage. Neither saw is even broke in yet! Can't complain, life is good.

Congrats on becoming a man!!!
You won't regret spending the money.
Now you just need a spare 200T.....:cheers: :clap:
i never a 200 without pulling the screen first.

they are out before i walk out the dealers's that dealer doesn't even prep my saws for me anymore.he knows i go home and re do it so why should he waste his time.i have never liked the way they have set one up.
Turn the H screw counterclockwise?

Pardon me while I jump in here. The High Jet screw is already at 3/4-turn counterclockwise on my 200t. And there seems to be a limiter that keeps it from being turned further counterclockwise. I have the spark arrestor removed and according to my FastTach I'm running too fast, over 14,000 rpm. I know nothing about Stihls. Could use some help in how to make the H adjustment.
Pull the H limit cap off, adjust it and then put it back on. It can be a little tough to get off sometimes, but it's not too difficult. You'll figure it out.
Thanks for the feedback

From what I've already observed, there's a rubber cover over the carb adjustment screws. Underneath, on the high jet, I see a plastic plug. Now I get it. I only received an owners manual with the 200t. As with Huskies, as of late, it seems common pratctice not to include a parts breakdown manual.
Nice saws for sure. I have the 192 and the 200. I run 14 inch light composite bars on both. I very rarely use the 192 in the tree anymore. It is a tad lighter but I find I can make much more precise cuts with the 200. If I need something bigger in the tree I can go to my 260 with the 16" bar and as soon as my 361 is repaired I can go to it with the 20" bar then the 044 with the 25" bar. I have really been getting off on my saws lately as well. I love my 200, it simply rocks.
Nice saws man, that 192 still looks really clean! I would consider buying a 200T. Im a Husky kind of guy and I like my 338xpt, but I dont have a problem with having a few different makes in my stable. You can never have too many chainsaws right?

just a pain in the a$$ having 2 seperate gas cans. (different mixes)
to each their own of course. but......if i had both the 192 and the 2hunge. that 192 would only be used if the 2hunge fell out of the tree and blew apart.

regardless what the wood in the tree looks like.

same as ^ Why would you want a plastic homeowner saw?