Black Widow Throw Line

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Sep 17, 2003
Reaction score
Columbus, MS
Does anyone else here use the black widow as a throw line. I use it, and it works fairly well. For the weight I use 2 stainless biners from Lowes.
Yea, I hit enter too quick. I also wanted to ask what else yall use the line for. I use it as a tagline, though line, and as a aux line then I climb.
I could see how that'd work. It's light weight, reasonably small in diameter, and it's quite slick. However, there are better things. Try Zing It!

I like zing it too. Got a 14 oz. bag on one end and a 16 oz. bag on the other. A back up line waits in the toolbox for those agravating snags that just won't come out.:angry: Not familiar w/ black widow, but some lines I've tried just had too much friction to let the ball come down. The Zing It is stiff, waxy and small in diameter which makes for an almost gurantee of the ball returning. The Big Shot is awsome for setting high tie ins.

I use an 8oz to hit most of my shots. I also have a 12oz that I use on occasion for various things.....

But then again, this post is about the Black Widow.

Personally, I can believe that no one has commented about using 2 stainless biners from Lowes instead of a throwbag.
good question

Rocky raises a good question. What inspired you to use the Black Widow for a throwline? Did you buy it for that purpose? Is it good for just hitting those lower limbs, or can you hit pretty high targets with it? Just make sure you're wearing your helmet when you throw. I've been hit with the throw bag and that hurt enough....I can't imagine to steel 'biners! OUCH!

Black Widow

I have a sneaking suspicion that "Black Widow" is just another name for Samson Rope Amsteel. Sherrill just happens to be selling it in the quarter inch size to be used as a rigging line (or throw line, I guess). It's an SK60 Dyneema 12 strand single braid. Has a funny plasticy/rubbery feel when new.

So technically, it is available in smaller sizes down to I think 2.5mm (with a breaking strenght close to 1500lbs if I remember).
But if Lumberjack is using what he bought from Sherrill, I'm sure its the quarter inch.

Anybody else tried the Rhino line from Sherrill? There have been a number of threads on throwline use in the last few weeks, but noone has mentioned Rhino line.

i can see how using a line like black widow as a throwline would help out in setting taglines, ie eliminating the need to use throwline, then set rope. Just throw the black widow in and pull.

but mebbe someone is uniformed if they are using biners for throw weights. throw bags aren't exactly bank breaking.
Steel biners as throw bags smells like troll bait :)

What happens when those boat anchors hit soft flesh or your client's house. Repair time...Besides, throwbags aren't much more expensive than two of those snaps.

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Naw Tom, LJ is but a youth. I don't think he is trolling-just hasn't been hit in the head enough times.--or maybe too many?:p
I was forced to use a steel clip (from Lowe's) not too long ago. Didn't grab my throw line sack b/c only thing on agenda was a small removal. No need for throw bag. Last minute prune for neighbor had me diggin' through tool box and I came up w/ an old tangled throw line and a heavy steel clip. It was a PITA, but saved me from having to come back for such a small job. The steel clip was definately clumsy.

I bought the 1/4" BW because it was very small and light and strong. Then I started thinking, I have 2 heavy small biners, and ultra strong rope... hmmm. So I threw it up in a tree, and it work like a charm. I will get a bag soon enough, but with the biners, I can set the line, hook the biners, and then pull. I throw it by hand, and make sure that no one is in the way. I am considering getting a Big Shot if I keep getting trimming jobs in tall canopy trees, but so far I haven't gooten a job that I can't throw the line into. I know about throw bags, but haven't ordered any yet because I don't know why. I like my black widow line, it is so light and I am not.

Well this lil'troll:blob6: ...........:D

Wouldn't dream of using steel as throw line weight on ground, but as RB once said a steel carabiner on the end of life line makes for good throwing around in air, not letting enough slack to hit ground, crew or house...

In fact one of the reasons i carry a drop eye rescue pulley is for additional weight for setting life lines and rigging lines. But there is greater risk, so i prefer tieing off only so much slack and spin lock carabiner.

Or something like that.....
That stuff (black widow) is wicked expensive :eek:. I can go without a 1/4 rigging line. 1/2 works for most of my operations. As for pulling down hangers, haven't had ZI break yet!
Yep, LJ is on to something.
He's got the line set and is ready to pull, while the rest of you know-it-alls are screwing around getting, untangling, repacking, and putting away your throw line.
LJ is raking up the last of the mess and you're still trying to get the throw bag unstuck.:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Kneejerk Bombas

He's got the line set and is ready to pull, while the rest of you know-it-alls are screwing around getting, untangling, repacking, and putting away your throw line.
LJ is raking up the last of the mess and you're still trying to get the throw bag unstuck.:rolleyes:

Not sure what kind of wet and wild dillusional dream you are referring to :confused:

Maybe the same one that wanted to use a bumper jack instead of a pull rope.......:p
1/4" line

I do the LJ method when I just need to get up to the first or second limb, though I don't use 1/4". With a few biners you can toss up your regular climbing line, saving the time of monkeyfisting the thing. The weight allows you to flick the rope, once over the limb or crotch, and it'll drop right down. It's fast if you're going for low limbage, though I wouldn't trade my BS and ZI for anything. Also, after having tried all the different weight bags over the years, I now shoot 16oz pretty much all the time, regardless of the height of the shot.

Once, in doing this method, the caribiners cold-cocked me on the underside of my right jawbone. Honestly thought I'd broken my jaw. Be careful -TM-