Before i knew there were tree books (and as there were lots less) i raaided shipman's books and army manuals for knots and other unchanging, basic rudiments of procedures of handling like events; in those disciplines; feeding my hunger to know and grow. Finally got bright idea, to go to library find something i know i heard of called NAA; wrote, got annual magazine filled with listing of dealers etc. Called about 20, asked for over a dozen different catalogs and got'em. Wow! A new light, peopel doing what i been trying to learn!
Worst thing is i got lazy, lost number or other humaning; and missed freaking Sherrill on that round! Took a few more years to fumble home that way.
Finding ISA board years later blew me away, as others wanted to talk of this stuff too. Was gonna say felt like i wandered in and found my own peoples; a seperate kind, but kind they was, their really nice guys and thus-don't' wanna putt them down!
Save perhaps MaasWhole@..... he's all ways been a cranky ol'cuss
(guess we'll see now for sure!
1 strategy i came up with on bar pinch is to try not to end up with the weight on the bar to finish, at least i always though it might werk. Might suffer same principles in trees or on ground. used sticks and bark to keep kerf open a lil'while longer on ground; and it made changeover up and in tact. Once used wallet in tree(has to be at least nearly as thick as kerf though), so don't pay attention to me! i think Daniel of DNA (Natl. Dyslexic Association); tries to pass it off as counter intuitive; jest to give me hope!
Diagram might be blurry, perhaps 4th printing.