Blocking Wood stove flue (smoke vent) when not in use.

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Joseph Acquisto

ArboristSite Operative
Jul 17, 2017
Reaction score
New York
Got a functioning wood stove for several seasons now. Added a fresh air inlet last year, which proved problematic after I added an outside venting range hood. That is, at times, I can get a "whiff" of stink from the stove when cold and not in use. Depends on weather, I guess.

So, I added a "blast door" (from a dust collection system) in the 4 inch fresh air duct, thinking that would take care of it. Well, sort of. Now, it appears that even with that solidly shut and the "air throttle" for the stove as closed as it will go, I still get some air "down the flue". Or at least I think that's the problem.

Question: What can I use to block the stove pipe (6 inch double wall) when not in use, that will be, relatively easy to clean?